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I read the test over and over again. '+' was what it always read. No changing it. I grabbed the test and ran back into my hotel room and everyone's head swiftly turns to look at me. "Sophia...I need to speak to you alone..." I say. She nods and I pull her outside and close the door. "ThetestispostivesandIidontknowwhattodopleasehelpme~" I choke out quickly. Her eyes widen. "Your gonna be a parent?" She asks. I nod and let tears fall down. She pulls me into a hug. "That's...amazing! Your gonna be a mom and me and Amy are gonna be aunties!" She says. I nod and smile. "Your not mad?" I ask looking at her. She shakes her head and smiles. "Are you having Jaeden as the dad? I'm not trying to be mean but I feel like he shouldn't-" she begins. "No!" I interrupt her. "Okay, who is gonna be the dad?" She asks. "Wyatt...." I manage to choke out.

Apart//Jaeden Lieberher x reader (Part One)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora