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"Your What?" A voice says. I swiftly turn round to see Jaeden stood in the doorway. "Erm I uh Uhm..." I begin stuttering and choking on my words. "In pregnant..." I mumble. He walks up to me and wraps his arms round me. "Am I gonna an a father?" He asks hopefully. I smile and nod. He pulls m close and smashes his lips against mine. "I'm gonna be a father....I'm gonna be a father!" He grins. Jack bursts through the door. "IM GETTING A SIBLING! LIKE NO ABORTIONS OR SHIT?" He screams. Me and Jaeden look at each other and nod. Tears come to his eyes and walks over to us, hugging us. "Jackson is here." He says pulling away and crossing his legs. I gasp and my eyes go wide. "INERDTOSEEJACKSONMOVETHEFUCKOUTTAMYWAY!" I yell quickly. I begin running and Jaeden runs after me. "PLEASE BE CAREFUL WHILE YOUR RUN!" Jaeden yells. I slow down and wait for him. He catches up out of breath. "You okay?" He asks me. "Yeah, are you?" I ask giggling. He nods and he holds my hand as we go see Jackson with Andy. "Y/N!!!" Jackson screams jumping on my stomach. "Oof, be careful please Jackson babe!" I say hugging him while holding my stomach. "Sorry..." He says looking down. "Jesus Christ your getting bigger all the time! Aren't you just the cutest!" I say kneeling down to be at his height. He blushes and grins. "Y/N, I lost a tooth! Then the tooth fairy came and replaced it with 5 dollars!" He says showing me a gap. "Wow! Aren't you lucky!" I say sitting him on my leg. He nods and curls up. Jaeden and Andy smile at us and hey walk off together, probably to catch up. "Shall we go get food and juice and make the rest jealous?" I ask. He nods and giggles. I hold his hand while we walk to a cafe. "Y/N." He asks. "Hmm?" I say looking up from the menu. "C-can I have pancakes and an Oreo milkshake?" He asks. "Ooh, I might get some too. Sound amazing! Let's get some!" I say. He smiles and begins colouring a picture a waitress gave him. "Hello, I'm Debra I'm your waitress. What would you two like to order?" Debra asks with a kind smile. "Can we have two Oreo milkshakes, two set of pancakes with honey and sugar on please." I say. "Okay, your total is $7.89." Debra says. "You pay at the counter." She says pointing at the counter. I nod and follow her. "Stay there Jackson!" I say looking at him. "Okay!" He says still colouring. I go and pay the lady at the register and go sit back with Jackson. "Y/N?" Jackson asks, moving and sitting next to me. "Yes?" I ask. "Are you and Jaeden like....boyfriend and girlfriend....I mean....you might catch cooties!" He whispers the last part. I giggle and nod. "I won't Jackson, don't worry and we are boyfriend and girlfriend." I say wrapping an arm round him. He nods and leans on my chest. Debra brings our food and drinks round and smiles at us. "Your child is adorable miss." She says. I go red and she walks away. "What does she mean child?" He asks. "Uhm, probably just thought you were my S-son." I stutter. "But your only," He begins as he starts counting on his fingers. "14, you can't have a child." He laughs. "Yeah...can't have a child...." I trail off.
(Timeskip about 8 weeks later.)
"What do you mean I'm having twins?" I yell.

Apart//Jaeden Lieberher x reader (Part One)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя