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Lindsay pulls away and she looks at you. "As gorgeous as ever!" She says cupping my face. I smile and look away. "Your the prettiest!" I reply. "Don't even try me, well get into an argument about who's prettier and it won't end well, it never did." She laughs. I nod and drag her to my room. "Where's you know who?" She winks. I give her a shut the fuck up look. "He left for a while, I told him to." I say sitting on my bed. "Whyyyyy? I wanted to see the guy your fucking!" She says. I mentally face palm myself and Amy and Sophia just laugh, like a lot. The door opens and Lindsay swiftly turns her head. "Hi! Do you know where I can find a Jaeden Lieberher? You know the one that my sister is fucking?" She asks Jeremy. I blush and look down. Jeremy laughs and tell her to follow him. After about ten minutes she's back dragging Jaeden into my room. "So okay, details! What gender?" She asks with a smirk at Jaeden. I mouth stop. He gulps and blushes. "Uhh...girl?" He suggests. "Ooh yay! Okay, what was it like? Yano when you fucked." She carries on. I fall flat on my face and I can feel Jaedens discomfort. "You know what I forgot I uhm needed to speak to Y/N. C-can you come out here a minute?" He asks me. I nod and stand up and go outside the room. "Y-your sis-" he begins. "I know, I'm sorry. I told her try not to be like this but she always is..." I look down. "I'll tell her we're not together anymore when Sophia and Amy go." I say looking down. He nod and clasps his hands together in front of him and we stand there awkwardly. All of a sudden my sister pops out the room and looks at us. "Are you two planning something? Seriously I'll be a good auntie! Tell me when yous are gonna have a babiesssss!" She grins. I slap her arm and Jaeden just laughs slightly. "Anyway love birds come on! We're gonna watch seasons two of Stranger Things." She carries on. "I-I can't, two reasons:I need to go back to the hotel and I'm still on season one, I started a day ago alright." He nervously says. "Well okay then, it was nice to meet you!" She says pulling him into a hug. He hugs back a bit then they let go. "Okay, see ya." He says to us both. We wave and walk back into my room and begin to binge watch Stranger Things.

Apart//Jaeden Lieberher x reader (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now