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In Y/N dream:
"Mommy!" I screamed. The killer runs up to the sign and blows all the letters off it. He proceeds to shoot my mom in the head and stomach then stabs my dad in the stomach. I cry in the alleyway I hid in before and I see him come up to me. He aims the gun at my legs and shoots.
Out of Y/N dream:
I wake up and check my leg, "still their." I thought. "Y-Y/N?" A familiar voice stutters. I turn round and see Jaeden sitting down holding my hand, I pull my hand away quickly and go to turn from him. "You said you were done with me." I say. "I know...I was angry." He replies. Tears reach the top of his eyes and I look away from him and try not to cry. "I wanted Finn and Jack and Amy to be here, not you." I say with no emotion. "W-what?" He asks. "You heard me! You said to me were over! So why did you come with me! Your just a fake person and lie about anything! I bet you were cheating on me! I bet alexis isn't even your manager and it's just a girl better looking than me and that call was to call her and ask when you coming round!" I basically scream. He looks at me with tears in his eyes, "You were happy with Wyatt weren't you?" He asks looking up. "Obviously not! He fucking basically raped me!" I yell. I manage to sit up and look at him. "But you still cheated because you let him." He replies with no emotion. "It's over fully with us, I will book plane tickets when I get out the hospital and fly back." I tell him turning away from him. "Okay." He replies. We arrive at the hospital and the paramedics open the van doors. "Are you coming sir?" One asks him. He shakes his head. "No I'm going back now." He replies. The paramedics take me away and I hold my arm out. "I'm sorry Jae..." I whisper blinking back my tears...

Apart//Jaeden Lieberher x reader (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now