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Amy stands up and stands near jack and I go over to Jaeden. Jack mouths a thank you too me and I just smile and nod at him. Jack picks Amy up and she squeals and laughs. He puts her on his back and walks about with her. "Glad they're happy." I say laying my head on Jaedens chest. "Me too, they're way to cute haha." He replies. "Very true!" I say. He holds me close and sways us to the song in the lobby. "I don't wanna go back to school." I sigh. "I don't want you to go either, you go back in two weeks, that will go too quick." He sighs. I blink back my tears but not for long and I just burst into loud sobs and cries. "Don't cry please! W-we'll visit you as much as possible. I promise." He says. "I know, b-b-but w-w-what if something happens and we never see each other again." I cry loudly. Jack and Amy come over. "Y-Y/N, what's wrong?" Jack asks. "What's up with her Jaeden?" Asks Amy. "She doesn't wanna go back, she's worried that one day something will happen and we'll all never see her again." Jaeden says.
Third person POV:
Y/N clinging onto Jaeden hoping never to leave him. "I don't wanna loose any of yous!" She says. "We don't wanna loose you either, but we won't. Because we're gonna stay together....because we'll...we're coming to your school for a few days to talk about the film IT so...you'll see us around." Jack says. "What?!" Y/N almost yells. "Mhm." Jaeden says. "OH MY GOD!" Y/N screams. She hugs Jaeden then hugs jack and says "I'm glad I get to see yous for a few days." The two boys grin at her and Amy smiles at them all. "Wait amy, what about you?" Y/N says. "No,sorry. But we'll spend the two weeks together, all of us?" She suggests.

Apart//Jaeden Lieberher x reader (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now