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**Michael's pov**

We were sitting at the bleachers, waiting for lunch break to end. At the moment I was third wheeling Ashton and Luke because Calum had taken Cairo somewhere saying he wanted to talk to him about something. I was getting jealous over them because Calum kept making sure that Cairo was okay and that wasn't even the problem, the problem was that it seemed that he cared more about Cairo because he didn't check up on me that much.

Obviously I understood that Cairo was just a friend and I was worried about him too but I couldn't help getting jealous. And to be honest, I kind of hated myself for getting jealous over a little thing like that. It was normal to worry about a friend but I kept making it weird in my head.

"Michael", Luke said and I woke up from my thoughts. I hummed and looked at him. "You okay?", he asked and I nodded. "Yea", I said and he scooted closer to me. "What's up?", he asked, not believing my lie. "I'm kinda jealous", I said and Luke nodded. "I would be too", he said and I raised my eyebrows. "Really?", I asked and he nodded. "Of course", he said. "I just thought that I was going crazy", I said with a little chuckle and Luke shook his head. "I would be jealous too", he said and I nodded.

"I mean I know that they're only friends but I still feel jealous and it's killing me", I said and Luke nodded. "Of course you're jealous, that's normal and it just means that you really care about Calum", he said and I nodded. "That's true", I said and Luke shot me a smile. I looked at Ashton who was sitting next to us and he smiled at me. "Cal is trying to help both of you so you just need to understand him", Ashton said and I nodded a bit. "He would never cheat on you if you're worried about that", he continued.

"I'm not worried about that, I trust him but I can't help myself", I said and Ashton nodded. Ashton scooted closer to us too and licked his lips. "You know how it feels to struggle alone, right?", Ashton asked and I nodded. "That's how Cairo feels, he's all alone and he can't talk to anyone else about it", he continued and I nodded again. "Cal loves to help people so he can't just leave Cairo to struggle alone", Ashton said. "Calum loves you more than anything and he would never do anything to ruin that, believe me", Ashton said and I shot him a smile. "Thanks Ashton", I said and nodded a bit.

Ashton flashed me a smile and nodded towards the school building. I turned around and saw Calum and Cairo walking to the bleachers. They were both smiling and chatting to each other. Cairo did seem a lot happier from the morning. The boys walked up to the bleachers, Cairo sitting in front of us and Calum sitting next to me.

"Hey babe", Calum said and kissed me. I looked at him blushing and he flashed me a smile. He squished my cheeks and placed another kiss on my lips. Calum wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed my head. I looked at Luke who shot me a smile and I chuckled a bit. "Feeling better?", Luke asked and I nodded.

"Guys", Ashton said and we looked at him. "There's a party happening tomorrow", he said. "Okay", Calum said and Ashton flashed him a smile. "We should go", Ashton said and I nodded a bit. "We have school tomorrow", Luke said. "It's after school", Ashton said and Luke nodded a bit. "But we still have school the day after tomorrow", Luke said and Ashton nodded. "I know", Ashton said. "I'll go", I said and Luke looked at me.

"Are you gonna skip school?", he asked and I nodded. "I need the party and I want to drink", I said and Luke nodded a bit. "Okay, then I'll come too", Luke said and Ashton smiled. "Great", he said. "What about you guys?", Ashton asked looking at Calum and Cairo. "My boyfriend is going so obviously I need to go too", Calum said with a little chuckle. "Can I even go with you?", Cairo asked and Ashton nodded. "Of course, everyone can go", he said and Cairo nodded. "Okay, I'm in", Cairo said and Ashton shot him a smile.

"So, Cairo", Ashton said and Cairo hummed. "Are you dating anyone?", Ashton asked and I looked at Ashton. Was he asking because he was interested in him or did he just want to know. I looked at Luke who seemed jealous and placed my hand on his thigh. Luke looked at me and I shot him a small smile. "I'm not dating anyone but I might be interested in someone", Cairo answered and I looked back at Ashton.

"Really?", Ashton asked and Cairo nodded. "Is she your age?", Ashton asked and Cairo looked a bit uncomfortable. "He's older than me actually", Cairo said. "Oh, it's a he", Ashton said and Cairo nodded. "Yep", he just said and Ashton nodded. "Do I know him?", Ashton asked and I looked at him. Why was he so interested in Cairo all of a sudden? "I don't know if you do", Cairo said and Ashton nodded a bit. "It's not me then?", Ashton asked and I glared at him. "No, no, it isn't", Cairo said quickly and Ashton chuckled.

"I'm only kidding", Ashton said and I let out a breath. Ashton should be careful with what he says in front of Luke. I was pretty sure that both of them liked each other and knew it but were too scared to do anything about it. "Ash, don't be like that", Calum said and Ashton let out a little chuckle. "I'm just teasing him", Ashton said. "Yea and someone else, so stop it", Calum said and Ashton looked at Luke. I patted Luke's thigh since my hand was still resting on it and Luke shot me a smile.

The atmosphere got really awkward for a second and I didn't like it. "Should we head inside?", Cairo asked breaking the silence. "Class is starting soon", he continued and I nodded. "Yes, let's go", I said getting up and we headed down from the bleachers. "Thanks", I said to Cairo quietly and he nodded smiling. "Of course", he said and we stepped in the school.

"Where's your class?", I asked. "B hall", he said and I nodded. "Same", I said and Cairo nodded smiling. Ashton, Calum and Luke caught up on us and we headed to our classes. "Are you feeling okay?", I asked from Cairo and he nodded smiling. "Yes, Calum is great when it comes to helping people", he said and I nodded. "He is", I said and smiled at Calum. He winked at me and I let out a little chuckle. I loved that dork so much.

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