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**Michael's pov**

Calum and I were lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. I turned to him and shot him a smile. "What?", he asked. "You look cute with your hair is sticking to your forehead", I said and he chuckled, ruffling his hair. "We should get dressed", Calum said and I hummed but we didn't even make a move to get up. We didn't bother to get dressed after our shower, we just pulled our underwear on and lied down on the bed.

"What do you want to do today?", Calum asked. "I don't really mind, I just want to be with you", I said and he nodded. "Come here", he said tapping his chest and I chuckled a bit. I rested my head on his chest and he started to run his fingers up and down my back. I kissed his chest and started to draw patterns on his stomach with my finger.

"You know", I said and Calum hummed. "I feel like I should start looking for an apartment", I continued and Calum stopped running his fingers on my back. "Why?", he asked. "I feel bad for living here and not paying for anything", I said and lied down next to Calum. He looked at me and shook his head a bit. "I don't pay for anything either, you don't have to feel bad", he said. "It's different, this is your house", I said and he sighed.

"Babe", he said resting his hand on my cheek. "I want you to stay here", he said. "I can even talk to my dad about it if you want to feel more relaxed with living here", he continued and I nodded a bit. "You don't have to do that", I said and Calum kissed my forehead. "Let's get dressed now", he said and I nodded. We got up from the bed and I wrapped my arms around Calum.

"I love you", I said and kissed his shoulder. "I love you too", he said kissing my head. Calum pulled away from the hug and shot me a smile. "Let's go out", Calum said and threw my t-shirt to me. "Where are we going?", I asked and pulled the shirt on me. "Let's go get ice cream", he said and chuckled. I pulled my jeans on and smiled at Calum. I ruffled my hair a bit and shoved my phone in my pocket.

"Ready?", Calum asked and I nodded. He grabbed my hand and we walked out of his room. We headed to the front door and pulled our shoes on. We stepped out of the door and Calum took my hand in his again.

We were walking in the park when we saw two guys arguing and it took me a while to realize that the other one was Cairo. "Isn't that Cairo?", I asked from Calum even though I was sure that it was him. "Yea", Calum said. "But isn't that Jensen?", Calum asked and we started to walk to the boys. "Can't you just leave me alone?", Cairo spoke and pushed Brian away from him. "Come on, don't be like that", Brian said, stepping closer to Cairo again. "Stop", Cairo said quietly, trying to avoid being too loud.

"Hey", Calum said and Brian turned around looking at us. "What are you doing?", Calum asked and I could see Cairo breath out in relief. "We're just talking", Brian said looking at Cairo again and he looked down to the ground. "Come here Cairo", Calum said and Cairo walked toward us.

Brian grabbed his wrist and Cairo looked up at him. "Don't touch him", Calum said pulling Cairo away from Brian. "Is he yours too?", Brian asked. "Are you playing both of them?", Brian continued. "If you really think that you'll get a boyfriend like this, you're wrong", Calum said and Brian chuckled. "I'm not gay, Hood", Brian said and Calum nodded. "You don't have to be ashamed", Calum said. "But if you're interested in someone, you shouldn't treat them like shit", he continued.

"I know that you might treat Cairo like that because you feel like he's the reason you're gay but that's not true, you need to man up and treat people well", Calum said and Brian just stared back at him. "Think about it", Calum said and we left Brian there, taking Cairo with us.

"We're gonna get ice cream, you should join us", Calum said and Cairo nodded with a small smile. "Thanks", Cairo said. "Of course", Calum said smiling and we headed to the ice cream parlor.

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