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**Calum's pov**

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock and rubbed my face. I turned the alarm off and ran my hand through Michael's hair, who was lying on my chest. "Babe", I said and ran my hand down his back. "That tickles", Michael spoke against my chest and I chuckled. "Good morning", I said and he hummed. "Good morning", he said and kissed my chest. I rested my hand on Michael's back and sighed.

"We should get up", I said and Michael hummed again. "I know", he said and lied down next to me. I looked at him and smiled. He rubbed his eyes and I sat up on the bed. "I love you", I said and kissed his chest. "I love you too", Michael spoke and smiled at me. "Come on", I said and pulled Michael up. I got up from the bed and Michael followed me.

I ruffled my hair and walked to my dresser. I pulled out black skinny jeans and a army green sweater. I looked back to Michael who was lying on the bed again and chuckled a bit. "Come on babe, we're gonna be late", I spoke and he pulled the blanket over his face. I walked to him and pulled the blanket down from his face.

"Are you okay?", I asked looking at him and he nodded. Michael pulled me down and kissed me. "I miss you", he spoke against my lips and kissed me again. "I'm right here", I spoke between kisses. I rested my forehead on his and smiled at him a bit. "You're gonna be okay, I'm here for you", I spoke and he shot me a smile. "Come on", I spoke softly and moved the blanket off of him.

I stood up and offered my hand to Michael. He took it and I pulled him up on the bed. He got up from the bed and hugged me. His breath hit my chest and I got shivers through my body. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his head. "Do you want me to pick your outfit?", I asked and he nodded against my chest. "Okay", I said and pulled away from the hug. I kissed Michael's forehead and headed back to my dresser.

I took out black skinny jeans and a army green hoodie. "Couple outfits", I said and threw his clothes on the bed. Michael chuckled blushing and nodded. Both of us changed our clothes and headed in the bathroom. We washed our faces and brushed our teeth. "You look good", I said and kissed Michael. "You too", he said and smiled.

We headed out of the bathroom and walked back to my room. We packed our backpacks and walked downstairs. We walked to the front door and pulled our shoes on. We stepped out of the door and headed to Ashton's car. We got in and buckled our seat belts. "Good morning", Ashton said. "Morning", I said smiling. "You're dressed alike", Luke said and I nodded. "Are you jealous?", I asked and Luke chuckled. "Yea, a bit", he spoke and I chuckled.

After a while we arrived at the school and got out of the car. We headed to the doors and I spotted Cairo standing there. I took Michael's hand in mine and he shot me a smile. "Cairo", I said when we were closer and he looked up from his phone. He shot me a smile and shoved his phone in his pocket. "Are you waiting for someone?", I asked and he shook his head a bit. "Not really", he said and I nodded. "Come in with us", I said and he looked at Ashton and Luke.

"They're fine", I said with a chuckle and Cairo nodded a bit. "Come on", I said and we stepped inside. "Since when have you been friends?", Ashton asked and Cairo looked at the floor. "It's been a couple of days", I said and Ashton nodded. "Cairo", I said and he looked at me. "That's Ashton and that one is Luke", I said and Cairo nodded. "Nice to meet you", he said and Ashton chuckled a bit.

I smacked Ashton's chest and glared at him. "Sorry", Ashton said when he realized that Cairo probably didn't take the chuckle well. "Nice to meet you too, Cairo", Ashton said. "I might seem like an asshole but I'm not like that, I promise", Ashton spoke and Cairo nodded. "Okay", he said and I sighed. It seemed like something was wrong with Cairo but I didn't want to pressure him to tell me, at least not in front of the others.

"What do you have?", I asked looking at Cairo and he shrugged a bit. "Math, maybe", he said and I nodded. "We can walk you to your class", I said. "That's okay", Cairo said and I shook my head a bit. "If they don't want to come with us, they don't have to but I will walk you to your class", I said and Cairo shot me a small smile. "We'll come with", Ashton said and I nodded.

"Cairo, where's your sister?", Luke asked and Cairo looked at him. "She's sick", Cairo spoke and Luke nodded. "I hope she gets better soon", Luke said and Cairo nodded. "Thanks", he said and I patted Cairo's shoulder. I really wanted to make him feel better but there wasn't much that I could do. "You should hang out with us when you have a break", I said and Cairo nodded a bit. "Okay", he said and I shot him a smile. "We'll come and get you so just wait for us in front of your class", I said and Cairo nodded again.

"Great", I said and we stopped in front of Cairo's class. "We'll see you soon then", I said and smiled. "Can I give you a hug?", I asked and Cairo looked at Michael. "I don't know", Cairo said and I looked at Michael too. Michael nodded and I looked back to Cairo who still looked a bit unsure about it. I sighed to myself and pulled Cairo in a hug. "Everything's gonna be okay", I told him quietly. "I'm here for you", I continued and Cairo nodded against my chest. I pulled away from the hug and ruffled Cairo's hair.

"See you soon", I said and he nodded. "It was nice meeting you", Ashton said and Cairo shot him a smile. I waved at Cairo and we headed to our class. I took Michael's hand in mine again and looked at him. He shot me a smile but I felt like something was wrong with him too. He had seemed a bit down since morning but I didn't really want to bring it up at school. I sighed to myself.

I wanted to make both of the boys feel better but by doing so Michael could get jealous and if I didn't do it, Cairo could end up even worse. "Mikey", I said and he looked at me. "I love you", I said and he smiled. "I love you too", he said and I smiled at him.

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