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//Malec from the show Shadowhunters on the gif, I ship them so much😍❤ And I'm sorry for not writing in a while, I have depression and it was really sucking the life out of me so I couldn't do anything😔 I'm sorryy!😭

**Calum's pov**

I woke up to the sun hitting my eyes and groaned. I rubbed my face and turned my back to the window. I opened my eyes and saw Michael sitting on my floor with earphones in and his notebook on his lap. He was drawing or writing in his notebook, unaware that I had woken up. I smiled a little to myself while looking at him, he always looked so calm when he was writing in his notebook.

He ran his tongue over his lips slowly and caught his lower lip between his teeth. I swallowed thickly, feeling mesmerized by the blue haired boy sitting in front of me. He looked at me and took his earphones off. "Oh, you're up", he said smiling and I forced myself to nod. "Yep", I just said and he got up from the floor. I sat up on the bed and smiled to Michael.

"How long have you been up?", I asked and he shrugged. "For a while", he spoke and I nodded. "Okay", I said and he chuckled. "Why are you acting so weird?", he asked. "What? Me?", I asked. "Yes, you", he said and I chuckled blushing. "I don't know", I said and he sat down next to me. I shook my head to get rid of the dirty thoughts and Michael chuckled at me.

"Sorry, I was thinking of something about you that I maybe shouldn't but it was your fault", I said. "Because you were licking your lips slowly and biting your lip and I don't know", I rambled on and Michael looked at me blushing. "Sorry, I didn't do it on purpose", he said and I looked at him. "I know", I said and he chuckled.

"Okay, great, yea", I said and got up from the bed. I looked at Michael who was trying to hide his smile and flashed him a smile. I pulled on black skinny jeans, a black tank top and wrapped a red flannel around my waist. I ruffled my hair and started to pack my backpack. When I was done with packing, I sat next to Michael on the bed and smiled.

"So", I said and Michael raised his eyebrows. "Our date is tonight", I said and he nodded. "It is", he said blushing and smiled. "Do you have anything that you don't want to do?", I asked and he shrugged. "I don't really feel comfortable eating in front of people", he said and I nodded. "So no restaurant dates?", I asked and he nodded with a chuckle. "Got it", I said and smiled. "What would you want to do?", I asked. "Just chill, hang out", he said and I nodded. "Great", I said and smiled.

"Let's go, Ash is here soon", I said and pulled Michael up from the bed. He kissed my cheek and took his backpack from the floor. I chuckled a little to myself and followed Michael out of the room. We walked to the front door and pulled our shoes on. "Let's go", I said and smacked Michael's ass. He looked at me blushing and chuckled. I smiled and stepped out of the door.

Ashton pulled up in front of my house and we got in his car. "Good morning", I said smiling and Ashton nodded. "Morning", he said and I buckled my seat belt. "How are you guys?", Ashton asked. "I'm good", I answered and looked at Michael. "Yea, I'm good too", Michael said and I smiled at him. "Good to hear", Ashton said and smiled.

After a while we arrived to the school and got out of the car. "So are we hanging out tomorrow?", Ashton asked and I nodded. "Yep, that was the plan", I said smiling. "Sure was", Ashton said and smiled. We stepped inside and saw Luke standing in front of his locker. I smiled and we walked up to him.

"I was waiting for you guys", he said smiling and I chuckled. "Wow, we're so popular", I said and Ashton chuckled at me. "Good morning Luke", Ashton said and Luke nodded. "Good morning", he said and we headed to class.

Someone walked past us, pushing Michael on the floor. "Hey!", I yelled and Brian turned around smirking. "Oops", he said and kept walking. "I'm sorry babe", I said and offered my hand to Michael. He took it and I helped him up. "Are you okay?", I asked and he nodded. "I'm fine, don't worry", he said and I sighed nodding.

We stepped in the class and took our seats from the back of the room. I smiled a bit at Michael who was sitting next to the window, looking out of it. I sighed and placed my hand on his thigh. He didn't budge and I bit my lower lip looking down to my lap.

Michael always said that he was fine and that everything was okay but I could see that he was hurting. And I felt guilty because he didn't trust me enough to talk about his feelings. Even though I knew that it's hard to open up about what's going on inside your head, I still felt kind of sad that he didn't open up to me.

"Good morning", I heard someone say and looked to the front of the class. I shot a small smile to the teacher and sighed to myself. Michael placed his hand on mine that was on his thigh and I smiled at him. I took my notebook from my backpack and looked at the teacher again.

She talked about something that I didn't care about so I just pretended like I was listening. When she turned around and started to write notes on the board, I opened my notebook and started writing too. It was hard to focus in class because I kept thinking about Michael and I's date later. I still wasn't sure what we would do but I was sure that we would have fun together no matter what.  

"Hey", someone said and I woke up from my thoughts. I hummed, looking at Michael and he chuckled. "Are we going or not?", he asked and I looked around the class that was empty apart from our friends. I laughed and nodded, shoving the notebook in my backpack.

"What were you thinking?", Ashton asked when we walked out of the class and I chuckled. "Just stuff", I said and he nodded. "What kind of stuff?", he asked and I shrugged. "Date stuff", I said and he nodded. "Don't get too stressed over it, you can always talk to me", he said and I nodded looking at Michael and Luke who were walking in front of us.

"I don't know what we should do on our date", I admitted and Ashton nodded. "I feel like the most important thing is that you're together, you don't have to do anything fancy", he said and I nodded. "Yea, Michael said that he would want to just hang out and be chill", I said and Ashton nodded. "See?", he asked and chuckled. "Just hang out, enjoy each other's company", he said and I nodded smiling. 

"Thanks Ash", I said and he nodded. "Any time, you're my best friend and I'll always be here for you", he said and I smiled. "You're my best friend too and I'll always be here for you too", I said and he nodded. "I know", he said and smiled. I chuckled a little and we walked up to Luke and Michael.

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