Months Gone By, Dance Preparations

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Ozpin: so you're saying you have been having these dreams for weeks
Me: yep, I figured since you know so much about this freaky tiki shit, you might know
Ozpin: well everyone has a dream and it happens in the future, but what you're explaining to me, Grimm attacking Beacon, I don't think Salem could do it if she tried
Me: Ozpin, can you please take some precautions here, call the General, I'm sure he would send some of his best men and pilots
Ozpin: fine...I'll call, but don't get mad if he won't come
Me: I make no promises, now call
After 10 minutes he came back into the room and told me they were coming
Me: that's great to hear, we'll be prepared for a Grimm within miles
Ozpin: Y/N, this may not happen, but if it does, stay with the good, don't let Salem's influence from the past get the best of you
Me: I'll do my best
Glynda: I'm already liking you more without that influence, you seem more calm and less of a brute
Me: I guess I'll take that as a compliment
I then ran out to see soldiers flying over head. I felt my pants vibrate and it was Pyrrha
Me: hey Pyrrha how's it going
Pyrrha: hey Y/N do you see what's going on, all of these jets and soldiers
Me: yeah I made a request to Ozpin and this happened, I saw some shit, this is for the best
Pyrrha: what did you dream about
Me: evil
Time skip a few months
It's been real nice not having Salem down my back, I mean a few demons here and there, Pyrrha doesn't know I like her, and apparently a dance is coming up. I might ask Pyrrha.
I ran up the door to see Cardin at my dorm
Me: what the hell do you think you're doing
Cardin: isn't it obvious you demonic fuck, I'm going to be asking Pyrrha to the dance
Me: like hell you are
Cardin: what makes you think she won't say yes L/N
Me: because she despises bullies you ape
He then socked me right in the face, making me fall right to the ground.
Me: alright
I spit out the blood and tackled him, right as he knocked on the door. Pyrrha answered the door and saw us fighting in the hall
Pyrrha: what the heck is going on
Cardin: oh hello Ms. Nikos, would you like these flowers and go to the dance with me
Pyrrha: Y/N, what happened to you
She shoved Cardin to the side and ran over to me, she starts moving my face around, she saw where Cardin punched me.
Pyrrha: did you do this to him
Cardin: what me, no, my buddy Y/N over here was hit by a tree branch and I helped him over here
Me: listen, you are a horrible liar and I'm not Jaune, the bastard wanted to ask you out to the dance
Cardin looked down at me with a glare
Me: Jesus you are ugly
Pyrrha then grabbed my arm and brought me into the dorm, then shutting the door in Cardin's face.
Pyrrha: let me get some alcohol
She came out of the bathroom with a clear bottle and a cotton ball
Me: what the hell is that
Pyrrha: Rubbing Alcohol, it should heal up the blood from your face
The put some alcohol on the cotton ball, she then placed it on my face.
Pyrrha: is this the first time you ever had Alcohol on a wound
Pyrrha: sorry
Me: no need to be sorry, but I do have a question for you
Pyrrha: what is it
Me: well the dance is coming up, I wanted to know if you wanted to go......with me
Pyrrha: Y/N
Me: yeah
She then did a small quick kiss on my cheek.
Pyrrha: it's a date
She then got up and walked out the dorm, it was followed by a wink
Me: What the fuck just happened

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