Seeing You Again

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I opened my eyes to see a sillohuete above me
Me: where am I
?????: Y/N......
When I got a better look I saw who it was
Me: Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: hey Y/N
Me: but you died....I saw you
Pyrrha: I did, so did you, I saw what you did.....why would you throw it all away for me
Me: well Pyrrha, how could I live without seeing that smile every morning, your beautiful voice, those green eyes, Pyrrha, I love you
Pyrrha: Y/N I love you too
We both hugged eachother.
Me: so is this Heaven
Pyrrha: sort of, when our time comes to go, this is the after life, where the souls of lost ones need to be balanced
Me: well shit
Pyrrha: what's wrong?
Me: well I'm a reincarnation made by Salem, wouldn't this mean that I go back with her because she's evil
Pyrrha: Y/N, I believe if you're as truly evil as you are, then you wouldn't be here with me
Me: I guess that is nice
Pyrrha: Y/N, no matter what happens I want to be with you, forever
Me: atleast we can be now
A bright light came out of no where and there were some stairs.
?????: Pyrrha Nikos and Y/N L/N
Me: who are you
????: not important, I've been talking with a few guys about letting you stay together, many are against you staying in Heaven
Pyrrha started hugging me tighter
????: how ever, they saw the footage of you ending one of the 4 henchmen of Salem, they reconsidered, they will allow you in, as long as there's no evil from you
Me: I can live with that, well know what I mean
?????: once you enter, you two shall live the life you wanted, for the rest of eternity
Pyrrha and I grabbed each other's hand and started walking up the stairs.
Me: this is it Pyrrha
Pyrrha: May life be good to us
We both walked into the light, blinding both of us, when we finally got our sight back, I saw a little house, it looked absolutely beautiful, perfect for a guy and his girl.
Me: Well Pyrrha, what do you want to do first
Pyrrha: you know.....I've always thought about a little girl or boy
Me: I think we can arrange something like that
We both started walking to the house, I picked her up and we both went in

Alright guys, this was the final chapter of the main story, coming around later there will be an epilogue, and I'm sorry it's so short, I didn't want to make it boring around halfway through, I wanted it to be short and sweet.

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