The Dance with Pyrrha

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Y/N POV, the night before the dance
I was on top of the roof of Beacon again, just like In one of my first dreams.
????: do you believe in destiny
Everything turned bright as I woke up. I saw something open the door, it was Pyrrha, she was holding something red
Me: Hey Pyrrha
Pyrrha: oh......hi Y/N.....what are you doing up
Me: these damn nightmares
Pyrrha: what were your nightmares about
Me: Death
Pyrrha: well I can tell you, no one will die here
Me: alright.......hey what time is it
Pyrrha: it's 1 am
Me: I've never seen you up this late, besides when you were looking for me
Pyrrha: I had to go shopping
Me: shopping for what
Pyrrha: something for the dance
Me: anyway what sto-
I went unconscious mid sentence.
Time skip to the next morning
I woke up to see everyone getting ready for the dance
Me: how long was I out for
Jaune: it's 3
Me: oh............oh shit
Ren: What
Me: I don't have anything for the dance
Ren: fine.......lets get to the store
Ren, Jaune and I went to the store.
Me: so what do you think I should wear
Ren: I would say a tuxedo
Me: can I just wear a sports jacket with a tie
Jaune: that actually doesn't sound too bad
Ren: alright
He threw a sports jacket and everything I need
Ren: go into the changing room and try them on
Me: ok
After 10 minutes I exited the changing room
Ren: you put the tie on wrong
Me: shit
Another 10 minutes
Jaune: wrong again
Me: shit
Another 10 minutes
Ren and Jaune: Wrong
Me: Shit
Ren: do you need help
Me: yes
After 10 minutes the tie was fixed
Ren: not to bad, alright, now pay for it
I got back into my normal clothes and paid for the outfit.
Time skip to the Dorm
Me: this Dance thing is difficult
Ren: you're just getting ready, you still have the entire dance to go through
Me: shit
Jaune: have you ever danced before
Me: no
Jaune: who are you bringing to the dance
Me: Pyrrha
The both stopped what they were doing and looked at me.
Me: what?
Ren: just shocked, in the beginning you treated her so poorly and now you're going to the dance with her
Me: I guess it is shocking
Jaune: how did you manage that
Me: I just asked her
Jaune: that's it?
Me: who are you two bringing
Ren: Nora
Jaune: no one
Me: what the hell Jaune, you had weeks to ask someone
Jaune: Weiss said no
Me: Jaune, with all due respect, she is out of your league, she's a constant bitch to you because she doesn't like you that way, how about this, I'll try and find someone for you
Jaune: you'll find someone for me
Me: I'll try and find someone for you, I know a few girls
Jaune: well uh......thanks Y/N
Me: no problem, hey can you pass me that clock please
Jaune passed over the clock, I looked at it and it was almost time for the opening of the dance
Me: Jesus, where's Pyrrha
Jaune: she was with RWBY, they were getting helping eachother get ready
Me: Ren, if she's over there, Nora is over there to
I heard a toilet flush in the next room, Nora cane out holding her stomach
Nora: holy shit, I need to lay off the....mex....I....can.........hi Ren
Me: uh......never mind
I opened and closed it behind me, I then knocked on RWBY's dorm door and Weiss answered
Weiss: what do you want Pervert
Me: is Pyrrha in there
Weiss: why are you asking
Me: because she's my date to the dance
She then slammed the door in my face and I heard screaming inside
Yang: Weiss take a chill pill
Weiss: how did you say yes to such an animal
Pyrrha: is Y/N out there
Weiss: oh so you know he's an animal
Pyrrha: you don't know him like I do
Weiss: I know he's arrogant, he treats everyone like a piece of shit, he left you out in the middle of the street in the rain, what more can I say, you're too good for him
Pyrrha: listen you don't understand
Weiss: he's probably using you, hell I wouldn't be surprised
Pyrrha: Weiss I'm going to ask this Nicely, but can you shut up
Yang: it's her choice to bring who she wants
Weiss: he's a monster
I decided to scream through the door
Jaune: Y/N
Jaune: The dance starts in 5 minutes
Me: oh thank you, Pyrrha you ready
Pyrrha: yes Y/N
She then opened the door, she was in a beautiful red dress.
Pyrrha: do I look
Me: I'm very turned on right now
She started laughing and I immediately realized what I said
Weiss: see, a dog
I flicked her off and grabbed Pyrrha's hand
Me: so any idea where his dance thing is
Pyrrha: didn't pay attention to the fliers
Me: no I did not
Time skip to the dance
I opened the door for her, all I could hear was loud music, I then went in and saw everyone in the middle dancing
Me: oh boy
Pyrrha started dragging on my arm, I just noticed she was wearing gloves
Me: hey Pyrrha, if you don't mind my asking, what's with the gloves
Pyrrha: well it seems whenever our hands touch, we both white out into each other's memories
Me: I guess so
I put my hand around her waist and started dancing.
Time skip 4 hours into dance
After a while the DJ called out for a slow dance.
She put her arms around my head, I put my hands on her waist, he were just dancing, we were both smiling, her smile though, it, it made me feel something I haven't felt in months.....happiness.
After 8 minutes of slow dancing the Student Committee were calling Dance King and Queen
Velvet, who I hooked up with Jaune on the way to the party, named off
Velvet: for Dance queen we have.....Pyrrha Nikos
Everyone applauded as she walked up to the stage
Velvet: and for dance king is..........what........Cardin?
Everyone: WHAT
Velvet: this must be a mistake
Cardin: no mistake, I have enough friends that voted for me
Cardin: listen you imp
Me: Velvet, isn't it obvious, the bastard cheated, I could tell by everyone's reaction, they don't fucking want you, they probably want someone up there like Ren, that tall guy on team CFVY, hell even Jaune
Cardin: how are you so sure
Me: because you are the second most hated person at this school
He then walked off the stage and got right up to me
Cardin: listen you little fuck, you think you're so cool "look at me, I have wings and can make a sword fall from the sky"
Me: look at you, you obese fucking mule, "in the best that there is" wrong bitch, you're the best at sucking dick, by the way, your team looks a little upset, let them blow you off
Cardin then threw a punch and hit me in the stomach, putting me to the ground
Cardin: so if I didn't make it, who did you all vote for then
Velvet: I personally voted for Y/N
A bunch of other people agreed
Cardin: well then
I then spit some blood on his face
Me: it's blood you dope
Cardin: why does it burn
Me: what you mean it burns......the alcohol, I must've absorbed it into my blood stream, and it may have the same effects on a wound
Cardin: I can still kick your ass
I then tripped him and threw him out the door
Me: man I can't stand him
Velvet: so raise of hands, who voted for Y/N
Almost everyone, besides Weiss, raised their hand
Velvet: alright Y/N, I think you know what must be done
Me: what's to be done
Velvet then made a kissy face and jerked her head towards Pyrrha
Me: oh, I like that
I walked up to the stage and we both got these plastic crowns.
Pyrrha: who knew
Me: I didn't even know there was a vote box
Pyrrha: well Y/N, I think Velvet showed you what to do
Me: that's right
We both went in for a kiss, IT WAS FUCKING AMAZING

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