The Cult

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I made it back to the dorm, opened it and had Jaune, Ren and Nora all standing right there.
Me: what
Jaune: where is Pyrrha
Me: probably where I left her
Nora: how can you do that to her, leaving her in the rain
Me: she can take care of herself
Ren: you go back for her
Me: or what
He pulled out his weapon ready to fight
Me: don't go killing yourself
Nora: I don't know what she sees in you
Me: what do you mean by that
Nora: isn't it obvious by how she looks at you, she likes you and you don't have the god damn common courtesy to even be nice
Me: I'm sorry to disappoint you, all I feel is rage, nothing else
Jaune: Y/N you go back for Pyrrha now
I punched into the bed.
Me: I already have enough telling me what to do, so you want to try again please get up so I can break every bone in your body
I left the dorm and went outside.
Salem: help the girl Y/N, she could be a great asset
Me: you oh me big time for this.
I ran to where I left her, all there was at the scene was a piece of cloth. I saw some blood going into the sewer.
Me: what the hell
Salem: follow the blood and follow the screams
Me: screams?
I climbed down into the sewer and immediately heard horrific screaming. It sounded evil. I ran towards it, when I turned the corner I was hit by something hard.
Me: what the hell
I saw some large humanoid silhouette, walking towards me. It grabbed me and threw me through a wall. I got up a little bit and was punched again, this time into a room filled with candles and men/women in robes.
Me: ok this is some freaky shit
????: it seems we have another sacrifice
Me: wait what, boy I will destroy you
He took his hood off
????: we need to make the goddess Salem happy
My thoughts: looks like you have fans
Salem: kill them please, I can't stand them
Me: with pleasure
The humanoid appeared behind me, when I turned around I was thrown through the ceiling, which was under the  street.
Pyrrha POV
????: bring the sacrifice
They took the bag off my head.
Me: what is this place, why am I here
????: we must sacrifice a virgin every year to allow Salem to give us peace
Me: no offense but this all sounds like crap
????: not for long
The robed people started chanting. I saw a big hole in the ceiling and heard something. It was a familiar scream. Then something at a great speed came through the hole and attacked the humanoid.
I was putting the humanoid through walls, screaming, I couldn't see anything, just red.
Pyrrha POV
????: what the hell was that
The humanoid creature landed on the bed thing in the center of the room. I finally got a glance at who it was, it was Y/N. He had.....wings?.
He flew down to me.
Y/N: Dont let go
His hands started turned red, he screamed and started blasting fire all around. After finishing he flew out of the hole.
Salem: you did well
My thoughts: fuck you
Pyrrha: Y/N
Me: what
Pyrrha: thank you, and I'm sorry
Me: please stop apologizing to me
All of a sudden my wings disappeared
Me: oh shit
We both were falling, I grabbed her and made sure I hit the ground first.
Pyrrha: are you alright
Me: yeah........let's get you back to that dorm

The Darkness with GoldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon