Part Four

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"Hey! Get the cold stuff in here and I'll show you what I got." Pidge called from their room when Keith came in. He put some bags in the fridge and plopped on the couch to wait. He absolutely did not have to worry about his heat here, Pidge was probably a bigger omega than he was, if he's being honest. They came out with a bag and splayed the contents on the coffee table.
"Check it! They had a ton of techy magazines too from like 2001 and up. Pretty cool, right?" They looked to him for approval. Keith nodded.
"That is pretty cool. How much was all this? We'll never finish reading these!" He laughed.
"Ehhh, like $30. But it was a good deal."
"Did you... did you happen to see a guy there? Like, tall, buff, and black hair with a weird white Mohawk thing?" He asked. Pidge nodded.
"Yeah, that's Shiro! He's a really cool dude. You'd love him." They smiled. Keith blushed.
"Yeah, I'm sure I would. So... want to break out some games so I can kick your ass?" He beamed.
"Hell yeah I do! But for the record, you're so totally not kicking my ass."

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