Part One

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It was just after 6 am when Keith rolled over and begrudgingly smashed the "Off" button on his alarm clock. If he started getting up late on days he didn't have class he'd never  get up on time when he did. He grumbled and slid out of bed, trudging to his closet. It was a day for casual dress, because he hated not sleeping in anymore. He tugged on a tee shirt and some skinny jeans before heading downstairs.
After two cups of coffee and a half-assed breakfast of leftovers he figured now was as good a time as ever to head out for groceries and to probably stop by the table top gaming place near his house. Admittedly, it wasn't the best idea; going out during what would've been his heat. But it's not like he didn't have his suppressors and it's definitely not like he had to worry about any alpha's being interested in him when he was pretty sure there were a million other much more enticing omegas floating around the city today. Plus he could just drive instead of walk, and not worry about sweating. He unlocked his car and turned the key. Of course. It doesn't start.
It's an old beater so this is sort of normal. A couple more turns and it'd start fine- except it didn't.
After 20 minutes of trying and waiting it finally started. He was sweaty now so he'd need to take another suppressor before shopping anyways.

Closing Up Shop (Sheith A/B/O) (Finished!!!)Where stories live. Discover now