Forgive Me, Father, For I Have Sinned

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With that, you left the confessional, seeking to rebuild your path guided by newfound insights and introspection.

• • •

Raindrops descended in erratic chaos, carried by gusty winds that shifted their trajectory from one wild vortex to another. They collided with your face, forming a thin layer, not as cold as the impending November chill, but lacking the warmth of a summer shower. The once gentle, ambient temperature of a summer drizzle transformed into a frigid deluge, drenching your hair and fuelling your frustration with the world.

This wasn't the soothing rain you usually relished; it was a tempest, a reflection of the turbulent storm in your mind and soul. A divine warning, perhaps, urging you not to stray from your faith again. The path through the park turned into a muddy stream, mirroring the chaos within. It wasn't an enjoyable stroll, not like the gentle sunshine of springtime, but rather a stark reminder of a higher power's decree.

Lost in the torrential downpour, memories of last night flooded your mind, each illicit scene replaying in vivid detail. God, what were you thinking? Your mind was a tempest, much like the weather, and the raindrops felt like saltless tears streaming down your face.

Unbeknownst to you, a silver grey Mercedes S600 cruised along the road, Jungkook at the wheel, stylish Ray-Bans shielding his gaze. Your soaking wet appearance didn't escape his notice as he rolled down the window, a playful smirk tugging at his lips.

"What are you doing?" He inquired, his car matching your pace.

"Go away, Jeon," you rebuffed, dismissing him without a glance. Orders from a divine source prompted your attempt to distance yourself, even if it meant enduring the relentless rain. The bus stop wasn't far, and you intended to embrace the waterlogged walk.

Jungkook chuckled, undeterred, and continued following you. "Get in the car. It's raining."

"I've been ordered to avoid you," you retorted, unfazed by the wet discomfort. "Besides, I'll take the bus. It's not far."

"Would you consider avoiding me over brunch?" He teased. "I don't see why you're avoiding me. I wasn't the one who asked you to strip—"

"Don't say another word," you interrupted, shooting him a glare that could have pierced steel. "We do not speak about last night. It. Didn't. Happen."

"Alright. Then why not not speak while you're sitting in my car?" He suggested, a playful glint in his eyes. "I won't leave you out here to catch a cold. God may be cool, but he won't help when you're sick in the middle of summer."


"Fucking hell, why do you have to be so stubborn?" Jungkook sighed, frustration evident. "I'm just trying to be a nice boyfriend, not wanting my precious girlfriend to catch a cold. Don't be ungrateful. Get in the car before I get angry."

As if on cue, the rain intensified, prompting you to reconsider. Reluctantly, you approached the car, opening the passenger door and sinking into the seat. Relief washed over you as the car offered shelter from the relentless downpour. Jungkook grinned, amused by your surrender, and stole a glance at you as you ran your fingers through your damp hair.

"Stop looking at me like that," you deadpanned, even without meeting his gaze.

"Like what?" he innocently inquired.

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