Twenty Four

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⚠️ Warning: Anorexia, Self-Harm, and Sexual Content.

Three Months Later
Harry's Point of View

Being in my dorm again brought familiarity. The rain is so much different in New York than in England, as if it doesn't fall from the same sky. Maybe it doesn't. I longed to be back every single day; back to my friends and family.

The dictionary defines stability as the strength to stand or endure. Everyday, while in that hospital, I never felt strong. I listened to the therapist give me suggestions to replace my "self-harm behaviors" as they called it. What they don't realize though is all they needed to do to quieten my mind was let me in the eating disorder unit. That's where I would find Lou, but they argued that we needed to go our own recovery journeys separate.

I haven't been able to communicate or see him since I walked into his room and they sedated me. I suppose they were afraid I'd punch their face like I did that mirror, and more than likely, I would have. They were standing in my way at that time. Besides, I never expected to become a patient there when I was just merely visiting.

I sit here in this courtyard landscaped with dead tulips, daisies, and sunflowers picking at the grass carelessly. Niall was here earlier but he gave in to the cold weather and left me here in solitude. He had been feeling down since Chelsea left him without an explanation anyway. Liam and Zayn was here earlier, too, but they got hungry and decided to get something to eat. I think I finally saw Zayn give me a neutral look, one that said he didn't hate me. I appreciate that considering he's probably the only one who almost grieves as much as I do.

I've been three months sober on my self-harm. It's quite the accomplishment. Though it was against my will, I guess the hospital did help me find my serenity within. Mrs. Tomlinson said Louis would be coming home soon, back to New York, and being there in rehab gave him and his father time to repair their strained relationship. I know he needed to be there but it doesn't stop me from missing him.

Third Person Point of View

Feeling the cold temperature graze his skin, Harry balled himself into his jacket but it was no use. The wind felt as if it was cutting his face, leaving tiny goosebumps as a reminder of its destruction. Sniffling from a runny nose, he shoved his hands in his pocket and walked toward the campus coffee shop.

He entered the door and took off his beanie. The warmth of the room made him release his arms from being tucked in his chest.

"I'll have a hot chocolate," he said satisfied at his choice. "Extra marshmallows, please."

He took a seat at an empty table and admired the snow beginning to fall outside.  Smiling, he reached for his phone.

Harry: Hot cocoa, my treat. Cadbury Café.
Liam: On our way
Niall: Me too

Watching from the window, he thought fondly on his time over the course of the semester. Though he nearly lost his mind, he knew he found his sanity, his soul mate, his twin flame. They may not have been intimate or even said the words yet, but he never once doubted how he felt. He never had the need to move on, and he never dreamed of leaving.

He squinted his eyes as he saw 4 silhouettes walking toward the café. He noticed that Niall was laughing frantically. Liam was trying to catch a snowflake on his tongue, and then there was Zayn who was carrying someone piggyback style on his back....wait....through the light of the moon, he recognized the blue shimmering lights greeting him.

He rushed out of the coffee shop and toward his friends; tears falling from his face. He watched as the silhouette was gently standing on two feet, rushing to him as well.

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