Twenty One

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Adjusting his suit in the mirror, Harry looked at the man staring back at him. The Lithium and Wellbutrin medication he received during a week visit to his Mother's house appeared to be keeping his mania and depressive cycles at bay. He felt his carefree nature once again returning.

Today was midterm recital for music majors. While Harry was calm and collected, Niall was a different tale. He paced back and forth, checking his appearance, and making minor adjustments ever so often. He made sure his guitar was in tune more times than necessary, and he let out loud sighs. Harry watched in amusement at his friend torturing himself.

"Niall, you're making me nervous with your constant moving. You're going to do just fine," Harry laughed.

"I'm sorry, Lad, it's just.... there's going to be a lot people there!" He said running his fingers through his hair. "What if I mess up and forget the words?"

"You won't. We've had these recitals twice a year now since Freshman year. This is our time to shine," Harry said adjusting Niall's tie. "It's going to be okay,"

Niall sat down on the bed. "Thanks, Har. Have you heard any updates on Lou lately?"

"Um, yeah. I spoke to his Mom recently. He has been eating a little better. He's gained about 10 pounds and talking to his therapist now. She said if he keeps doing well, I'll be able to call him next week," He beamed. Niall gave him a smile back at the good news.

"You ready for this?" Niall said as he walked toward the door, guitar over his shoulder.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

The auditorium was filled with students, parents, and curious people. It only made Niall want to vomit, but for Harry, he lived off the adrenaline.

"Hello and welcome to the 68th annual Music Recital. I am Professor Corden, associate chair for the music department. You are in for a treat tonight!" He said as everyone clapped. "Please enjoy."

Niall stood sweating knowing he was about to go on the stage. He peeked behind the curtain and found his parents in the audience. He noticed Liam and Zayn holding hands.

"Do you see Chelsea?" He whispered to Harry, who also decided to peek his head out and look for her.

"No. Sorry." Harry said. "Maybe she's running late..."

"Maybe," Niall trailed off. "We've been fighting a lot lately." He said but Harry didn't have time to reply.

"First act, we have Niall Horan. This is an original composition. He's worked very hard on this piece. I think you'll enjoy it."

Niall walked on the stage with this guitar pick between his teeth. He waved lazily at the audience before scooting himself up on the stool and adjusting the microphone to fit his height. He placed his fingers on the frets and strings before inhaling.

Just feel the music, he chanted to himself.

When you feel your love's been taken
When you know there's something missing
In the dark, we're barely hanging on
Then you rest your head upon my chest
And you feel like there ain't nothing left
I'm afraid that what we had is gone
Then I think to the start
and it echoes a spark
and I remember the magic electricity
Then I look in my heart
There's a light in the dark
Still a flicker of hope that you first gave to me
That I wanna keep
Please don't leave, please don't leave

Niall continued to sing his song with his eyes closed tight. When he made his last strum of his guitar, he opened them and sat in awe as he watched Liam and Zayn give him a standing ovation. He took a small bow before hurrying off the stage.

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