I'm a Vampire. He's a Vampire Hunter. So Why Do I Feel This Way About Him? (12)

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The battle was a few days later, and you know what happened there.

I had already planned to kill Philip accidentally in the battle, he was getting on my nerves, pressuring me to do things with him that I didn't want. He was like one of those annoying bugs that would keep bothering you until you just killed it.

But back then, in my new vampire mind, I thought it would be better to be fair.

I sounded like a crazy lunatic.


My thoughts went back to only two hundred years ago with Elijah. It wasn't necessarily a nice relationship. He was always rough with me. At times, he would be the perfect gentlemen, and at others he would sometimes act like a new vampire. Even though I knew he wasn't.

I had left him when he turned forty, and still looking pretty young, he quickly went on to another woman.

The ending to our relationship wasn't really a pretty one. I had had to bite him to get him to settle down. The blood loss he had suffered from left him out for only about two hours, but he awoke with no memory of what happened.

I had decided to call it quits because of his constant accusing tones when he would speak to me. He would blame me for the simplest things, and right before I drank from him, he accused me of cheating on him.

Because he had saw me drink from another man in the alleyway. I remember that night clearly.

The new moon, and how it was so dark because no light was shining. The only glare was from a distant lamp on the street, but we were at least twenty yards away from it.

The man was already half asleep because of the drinking he had done, which back then consisted of whiskey and scotch only. He was dozing, and his head was on my shoulder making it look like he could have been kissing my neck. I heard footsteps in the distance but they were going another way but slowing down.

I had quickly made my fangs grow and bit the man in front of me before someone could see me. I was lost in the sense of my senses becoming stronger. And the sound of footsteps.

I didn't notice that the footsteps had stopped. The taste of blood on my tongue made a ripple of pleasure go through me and I was lost in a sense of unreality.

Back then I was still struggling trying to control the taste of human blood when I had it.

I was still drinking from the man when I heard a little click on the pavement. I hesitantly stopped drinking because I didn't want to get caught. But it was too late.

Elijah stood a few feet away. I had immediately became angry at myself for not realizing he was here. He had a heartbeat, and one I was so attuned to.

I had gave in to the blood again.

An appalled look was across his features. Back then it was deeply frowned upon to cheat. And that was probably what he thought was going on.

The blush on my cheeks and the red lips didn't help.

Elijah's fists were clenched. His breathing was labored and a sinking feeling was left in my chest, it would have probably been worse if I hadn't just fed.

The man I had drank from was still leaning against me, looking for support. The wall behind him came in handy too.

"How dare you!" he spat, and I could almost feel the anger run through him.

"It is not what it looks like." I told him calmly.

"That is what they all say. You think you can just come into an alleyway and have another man? What, am I not enough for you?" he asked angrily, his face was red and a line of sweat was covering his face. I wasn't exactly sure if it was because of his outrage or because of the day at the factory where he had just gotten off of work.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What I'm saying is true, it is not what it looks like." I said and took a step closer. My dress was dirty from rubbing off on the partly wet bricks from the rain earlier.

Elijah took a step back, his steps faltering a little. I knew what he was seeing, the light had caught my face.

The pitch black eyes looked of those like a predator. My lips were turned up in a little smile. The vampire side of me was still there a little.

And as I much as I hated it, I couldn't help but feel a little satisfaction at his frightened face.

"W-What happened to you?" he asked, his rage was no longer there, but fear had taken over.

I smiled a little.

"Nothing has happened to me, I have always been like this." I said kindly, watching his face change from emotion to emotion. Fear, anger, hate, disgust, confusion. Betrayal.

"I do not believe you. I will wake up and this will all be a dream." he stated, taking steps back and starting to turn around.

But not before he took one last look in my direction an whispering the word, "beautiful."


The memory was still so vivid as I thought about them. I looked out of the window and noticed the sun was all the way down now. I had stood in the kitchen reliving part of my life for over an hour.

The time was ten o'clock. I needed to go feed and then meet Braedon at the place he had texted me to be by midnight.

I sighed and ran upstairs, throwing on one of my black but fitting outfits that regular guys couldn't resist me in. I felt like getting somebody young tonight, having a little fun.

After all, I was a teenager.

I'm a Vampire...(No Title Yet) - Completedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें