"We have a pulse!"

"He made it, I for sure thought we lost him."

"I was just about to call his time of death."

"I've never known someone dead for 26 minutes to be resuscitated!"

"Okay everyone, get him prepped for a CT scan. I need to know whether there's any severe brain damage."

I was dead?! And I'm alive now?! That makes sense. Either way, I'm thankful to have seen my family. I missed them dearly.

For what seems forever, some of my tubing is unhooked and I'm asked to move my arms, legs, and hands. I was also asked to blink.

A female nurse asks me a slew of questions.

"Do you know your full name, age, today's date, and location?" Standard procedure I guess.

"Yes. I'm Danté Marcello Lombardi, I'm 28 years old, I think it's August 17, 2013, and I'm in a hospital."

"Yeah, you have your memory as far as I can tell. Mr. Lombardi, you're a very lucky man to have survived such a attack. Law enforcement would like to talk to you after we complete a CT scan. Is that alright?" I nod my head and replay the encounter I had with my family and everything feels so different.

After finishing my testing and being questioned by police, I'm in my room with a nurse aide just in case anything goes amiss. Dozing off, I think of my mom's words about Audra. I need to see her!

"Hey!" I hear the aide turn to me.

"Has an Audra Jones been here to see me at all? She's a nurse on the oncology unit." I hope desperately she doesn't abandon me.

"Hold on Mr. Lombardi, I'll ask." I hear her footsteps leave and return.

"She waited with you until she received news that you were resuscitated. Her and two people named Dani and Alex. They all talked to the police then left about 15 minutes ago." I sighed deeply. Did they not care enough about me to visit?

"You're not allowed to have visitors until tomorrow but food just got delivered for you. Do you want it?" I nod my head, I'm actually pretty hungry.

When she sets my plate down, she reads a note that was attached.

"I'm glad you're okay. I promise I'll be back first thing in the morning after I make arrangements for Dr. Del Zotto's body. Dani, Alex, and I missed you. Audra..." She did care enough! Why was I so rude with her?

"Who's Dr. Del Zotto?" I ask the aide.

"Hey was the doctor who worked with Audra on the oncology unit. In that whole ordeal you were in, he took a bullet for Audra," she sniffles and I'm sure she's crying when her voice cracks,"They were dating and it was so perfect. Everyone thought they'd walk down the aisle, but he's gone and she's broken!" She breaks out into hysterical sobs. Guilt fills me. Was it my fault that her happiness is ruined?

The aide's crying dies down and I open up my food. It's streaming hot. There's apple pie, a fresh olive and ricotta cheese pasta salad, chicken pot pie, and a large container of tea. She went home and cooked for me, I'm sure of it. Alex and Dani cook the same damn thing it order takeout. I'm grateful for this kind gesture. After I eat, I settle down and think about my life.

I've always been a pretty moody guy when I came to people outside of my family. It didn't help that I was scrawny and intelligent too. All the other kids had parents who were into organized crime, while my parents opted for a honest living. My mom, who was an elementary school teacher, used to read with me and challenge my mind. She wanted to see me grow and prosper. She's the reason I fell in love with writing. It's why I made that profession. I write speeches for various public figures and publish my poetry which makes me a really good living.

My dad was an architect who designed some of the buildings around this city. Sometimes a brooding man, my mother brought him joy. I could see it whenever she walked into the room. I'm glad I was also able to bring him joy. I used to hear them make love almost every night and hear them whisper tender words in each other's ear.

I want something like that. Something real, obtainable, long-lasting. I should've known I couldn't get that from Bella.

As I grew older I was still considered nerdy but I didn't care anymore. I focused on school and took college classes during high school so I didn't feel the need to continue my education for the time being.

Donatello and Nolla were my life. It felt great to not be an only child anymore. Sure I was 14 when they were born, but I felt like life was perfect. Even after high school I stayed at home to help with my siblings. I remember the day of the fire like it had just happened minutes ago.

I was going to meet a council member to help him prepare a speech. Kissing my parents and siblings goodbye, I left the house with a strange feeling. Coming back home once I had finished I opened up my front door only to see an extremely bright flash and be thrown back yards away. The next thing I knew I was in a hospital and when I opened my eyes I couldn't see. It was more or less darkness. I went blind.

To make matters worse I was informed of my family's death and once I recovered, I stayed with an old friend Alex until I found a place of my own and slowly rebuilt my life. I began working out and writing more. Battling my depression, I met Bella. She made me feel loved and wanted and that was what I needed the most only for her to run off with that Russian. It still pisses me off. And for her to say she started the fire! If I find out that's true there will be hell to pay!

I let my mind wander to Audra and what she may be doing. I'll make it up to her and walk by faith and not by sight. Falling asleep it felt like arms were holding me. A motherly touch...

*Hey guys! What did ya think? I hope this clarifies Dante's life and his struggles. Don't worry, Audra will get one too!! Are you enjoying the story so far?

Thanks for all of the support!💛


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