"Uhh... no, I'm fine." He says looking at me weirdly scratching his neck. Leading him back to the couch I could tell that he's lying, "Take off your shirt." I commanded, he looks at me before doing so. I blushed slightly, seeing his toned abs wrapped in bandages, he was pretty much covered in wound wrappings from his legs to his face. "How intense was this battle? He chuckles a bit at the question. "You could say I was a bit more than just fired up." He cheekily gleams at me "In each and every battle you overcome, your power grows tenfold. You don't realize it but I do, you should really pace yourself." I always worry when he's out on jobs or just simply training, he tends to overexert himself to the point where he'll sleep through the days. Though through all my lecturing, he doesn't listen.

"You're so beautiful," Natsu says out of the blue, noticing at the corner of my eye him staring at me, I was working on rewrapping his arm, I sat on his lap when doing so he kept absolutely still but his hot breath on my neck still made me shiver. Even being so close to him isn't already enough for me to handle. "Are you trying to seduce me Dragneel?" I questioned raising a brow, pivoting my head slightly just to meet his gaze, Natsu chuckles deeply "Is that an invitation?" he teases me as I continued to attend to his wounds. By the time I was finished with his arms I shuffled around in my position reading myself, he laughs at me teasingly again. By this time I was already annoyed and my face was red as a tomato.

Natsu flinches in pain, "Sorry." Placing a gentle hand on his lower abdomen, I can sense a lot of intense pain here, he's tightening up again, "It's fine like you said I am a bit careless."

"Relax the pain will subside soon."

Mother Muse; Polyhymnia grant me your strength and allow your praise. Iaomai!*

From the palm of my hand light began illuminating as the spell was cast, the light grew into a beautiful orange-yellow color, almost like the sun. I grazed over his wound lightly the spell touching his wounded area making him groan in agony. Oh no, am I hurting him? I thought to myself, "I'm sorry Natsu, I—I did— I'm so sorry, it's still a novice when it comes to learning my hymn spells, oh I'm so stupi—" Natsu covers my mouth with all my ranting and protests, he tells me it's fine kissing my cheek, "It helped a lot I was just I was surprised."

After tending to Natsu's injuries the sun had finally set and the time of night has come.

Mother Muse, this day I learned a lot, I hurt someone that was dear to me when all I do was try to help them.

I sat on the back porch by myself thinking about today's occurrences, I'm trying to learn from my mistake, maybe I did the spell wrong? Or maybe, I just didn't have enough magic energy. I need to train more, become stronger, contain my power and empower myself with it. The sound of crickets bring on the night and the hushed breeze flows through the trees. I looked up to the moon, seeing the stars twinkle and the moon give off this beautiful glow.

The night isn't my favorite, I favor the day more, to say the least, not seeing anything kills me, but since awakening my Dragon Spirit, my senses haven't been anymore keen. My sense of touch, smell, hear, and even my vision, crisp as ever. Then, the door creaked open, I felt Natsu's eyes glued on to me. "You know," he begins taking a few steps forward before sitting down beside me. A little distance away from me but only because we're both so awkward at this time, aside from being in Cedar, this is weird, the sensation I feel around him, it is a new one. In Cedar, we were always swamped by friends, but now living on the outskirts of Magnolia, we're really alone.

"Don't beat yourself up so much." He then puts a gentle hand on my head, a gasp. I looked up at him our eyes meet, his smiles warms my heart as his gaze continues. "It didn't hurt, actually my wound actually feels pretty better now thanks to you. You're amazing." He compliments chuckling, did my hymn spell work? I thought to myself. "I know we haven't spent much alone time together, and I travel so much and go on jobs." What is he trying to say? "I feel the more time we spend apart the time we so spend together is more precious." He leans in resting his head on my shoulder, I wanted to touch him as well, and I wanted to hold him. I wanted him to hold me as well.

Wrapping my arms around his neck he snakes his arm around my waist giving me a bone crushing hug. He didn't let go, I caught on and I was worried, "You got me." He says, his voice hushed and almost quivering, "You got me, you've put me in a trance that I can't wake up from..." he pauses, "When I see, you, when I touch you, when I smell you," he lifts up his head looking at me directly, he looks serious... "I know you are mine."

We stay like that, looking at one another, our eyes burning with passion our faces inches away, but no one makes a move, my lips quiver in anticipation, this moment feels so right ...

"HEY RIYLORE WHAT'S FOR DINNER?" Happy bursts through door flying. Natsu and I both leaped from where we were sitting, my face plastered with red I tried my best to hide my blush. We all stood there awkwardly until Happy said. "Oh... Am I interrupting something?~" He teases narrowing his brows giving us a cheeky look.

That moment? Killed.


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Thanks for reading all your comments I'm glad you are all enjoying the story! Keep those comments up and I'll continue writing this story :]

Side note; Iaomai means 'to heal' in greek. 

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