Chapter 11

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Without much thought I rushed over to her. Looking at her, I noticed how small she was. I begun shaking her a little, "Come on wake up." Lightly smacking her on the cheek, "Miss wake up!" Sounded louder than I was before, grumbles and stirs were heard. She groaned quietly furrowing her brows. I picked her up bridal style, her strawberry blonde hair drooped down beautifully, I noticed that her red framed glasses were on top of her head. "What happened to you?" there her eyes opened and lit up, her green pupils stared into my brown ones. Her eyes wondered after our eyes awkwardly stared more. "Uh... I don't know... I just fainted a guess." she cleared her throat a few times, like you would when you first wake up. I smirked those are the best sleeps. "I'm sorry but could you put me down?" she asks feeling a little uncomfortable, I couldn't blame her, I wouldn't like waking up in a random person's arms. "Sure, sorry." As soon as I put her down she tries to regain her composure, "Thanks and it's-" the girl stumbles a little, I took ahold of her head and quickly almost harshly shoves it into my body. My cheeks heated up, the girl squealed pushing me back, "So-sos-sorry!" her eyes stayed away from my gaze, I felt even embarrassed as her, "No-no I'm sorry! I should of held on to you when I knew I was going to fall!" Jeez... this is awkward moment.


Ah no! I'm with the Natsu Dragneel, and he has no idea who I am "Thank you for helping me." I bowed down still not meeting with his eyes. "My name is Riylore a student here at Mongolia Academy." my introduction felt stupid, and it was. He already knows! I bet his on a mission, like my sister and the rest. They must of noticed the school uniforms by now! "Oh, I'm Natsu, of Fairy Tail, nice to meet cha~" I felt my cheeks heat up, I do have a minor crush on Natsu, it's hard to not show, but I am pretty good at hiding it from my sister. "Likewise." Natsu and I stood there for a few more awkward moments, by this time he looked somewhere else but stood still closely to me, probably just in case if I fell again. His arms where crossed and I couldn't help but to gander on how strong his arms really arm, yeah he's a rough looking guy, probably doesn't work out that much but seeing that his so.. muscular, it makes me think. Lucy told me stories of how he eats a lot, more than average. Maybe high metabolism? "So uh, where are you off to? I can walk you there, making sure you are safe." he sounded aloof, maybe his trying to act cool but when really he should just ask himself. Acting cool doesn't really please all the ladies, "No, I'm fine! Thank you very much for helping me out when I was in need but I am in need of no more!" I quickly turned my heel not paying anymore attention to him, humph! "Well wait, hold up!"


"Well wait, hold up!" Natsu ran after seeing that she's almost across the hall, his shoes make a sharp scuuuurch! When they glided across the glossy floor tiles, he stopped in front of Riylore, Riylore still payed no attention to him, didn't even look at him. As the strawberry blonde haired girl walked she places her red-frames back on her face, fixing her hair back into her normal ponytail style. "Did I do something?" Natsu exclaimed quietly his arms were a manner of question as the paralleled themselves, he looked frustrated, and doesn't get girls at all. "No, no you didn't." Riylore's monotoned voice spoke, as her pace quickened, so did Natsu's "Well... what's the deal then?.. Heh." Natsu did have a point, but he was clueless of what he did wrong back there. "Well there's nothing wrong, now if you excuse me, I have classes to go to. I don't need to hang around with a downgrading fairy like you!" now there you go. Riylore was far out of line, she didn't mean it inside but in her mind is feeling anguish, "Well then fine!" Normal Natsu would whip out his flames, not caring if she's a girl. He would stand up for Fairy Tail's name and tell her of all it's glory and all that jazz, but he didn't. He felt attracted to the girl, to her smell, to her eyes. He didn't want to continue fighting with her if it was going to bring this much trouble, so then he just dropped it. They both did. But deep down both of them felt a little pang in their stomachs, Natsu walked with his hands in his pockets, and Riylore walked slowly fiddling with the hem of her shirt. She looked down sadly, she felt like she should apologize but then again, what's the use? Even if she does apologize he wouldn't all the way forgive her, she knows how much Fairy Tail means to him, same as Lucy.

Later on that night... (Riylore POV)

I walked slowly in the night sky, letting the moon's light guide me to whatever it may lead me. I somehow now wandered into the woods, I still felt like shit after saying those things to Natsu, I bet his feeling like I do right now. Stupid, stupid stupid, stupid! Each and every time I said the word stupid I would self inflict pain on me, either if it's smashing my hand into a tree or banging my head on something hard.

It seemed like it was around eight or so, maybe later, who cares? Not me, not at this moment, "Where are you friends girly?" my eyes widened, they searched around the darkened forest, then I soon then began to realize a few familiar landmarks, I'm in the Blackspear forest! Above all places, I wandered here! I heard rumors from students that bandits had taken refuge here. I guess the rumors were correct. A few seconds later I was surrounded by bandits, everywhere, behind me in front of me, left and right. I could of yelled but what was the use? "I suggest you all back away from the girl, before all you get burnt." that... that sounded like Natsu! "Don't begin to think you're going to be saved girly, it's all an illusion.." wait.. what? "No, it isn't! FIRE DRAGON ROAR!" Meters away from me blankly stared at the flames that surged from one side to another. The bandits were scattered at looked confused, "Like I said, I suggest you back away from the girl before you all get burnt!" Natsu stood protectively in front of me, which surprised me.

Natsu took on twenty of those bandits, which five on them were passed out injured on the floor, the rest were off running for their lives. Scattered blades, and other weaponry on the ground, a few flames were still lit from Natsu's various fireballs, and scorches. Some of the bandits thought that they cough 'extinguished' Natsu by throwing water at him, which they failed miserably, he dodged each and every one of their water attacks, which was proven Natsu wasn't that much of a nut case. Cause their water attacks were thrown by just some wooden buckets. "Thanks--" "WHAT WERE YOU DOING, WANDERING OFF LIKE THAT, ALONE. ABOVE ALL PLACES YOU GO TO BLACKSPEAR FOREST." Natsu took ahold of my collar, he was angry, his sharp teeth shown every time he would bark at me, "HOW DENSE ARE YOU?" Okay, I deserved that insult considering the one I gave him not too long ago.. Throughout his long lecture off he concluded with, "Girls, especially a girl like you shouldn't be wandering out alone, especially in the dark. Next time, if you do, just come and find me... most likely I'm not too far away from you." with that my blush never ceased to subside as we walked together, Natsu had his hand in my wrist as I followed him, maybe he was taking me back to my dorm, or somewhere else. I didn't care for the moment. Nothing else cared right now. Not at all.


New chapter yosh! Glad you are enjoying the story, make sure to heart and follow for updates of this story! <3

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