Chapter 55

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Now with everything that has happened, with the guild hall being destroyed and now us rebuilding it, we don't know what is installed for us. Will Riylore end up joining the guild? Or have I scared her off to the point where she can't decide for herself, of what's true and not true? On this particular day it felt cold, but now, it's oddly warm. Mom, I know you are watching down at Riylore and me, continue that. We're going to need one another more than ever.

"I just wonder..." Erza begins setting down her fork on her plate, standing up from her seat she clenches her first with a determined look in her eye. "when will be the next time I will have Riylore's baking!?"

Uh.... *sweat drop*

It's been a month now, since moving in with Natsu and Happy. You would expect now Natsu and I are lovey-dovey than ever. The truth is, I don't know where he is, all I know he left out for a job two weeks ago. Though I'm not worried in the slightest, he has a guild, friends, and jobs to do. I don't want to get in the way of that. Sitting out on the front porch studying the tome muse gave me, now into February the weather is still just as cold but spring is on its way. I notice the plants are sprouting and the animals are coming out from their winter sleep. A hot cup of raspberry-strawberry tea warms my body.

I haven't been in much contact with Lucy either, it's my fault in all honesty. Just thinking our past was a lie and I'm not actually her biological sister, and with that, I still haven't read the letter Muse gave to me. I feel as if it's not the right time, and so in time I will. But now, on this cool morning and so forth with every morning, afternoon and evening I will read this tome, learning Resonance Dragon Slayer magic.

It's good that I have time to myself, to focus. "Sound Magic is no different from my magic." Being in the wilderness really helps. But I wish I had something to test it on. "I don't know why Muse calls it Resonance magic." Scratching my head in confusion I looked up towards the sky, it looks clouded today but I did wake up in the rays of the sun. Maybe it's going to storm. . .

"HEEEY RIYLORE! I'M BAACK!~" Wait, is that Natsu?! I see him running alongside Happy out of the dense woods. His pack over his shoulders, him grinning like the goofball he is, he approaches the porch Happy behind him carrying a sack of fish. "Hey welcome home." He smiles at me gently removing his pack from his back opening the door walking in. I got up from where I was sitting picking up my tea up walking in the house as well.

Even with Natsu here now it's weird, I feel so anxious when I'm around him, and so self-conscious about how I look or smell. I find myself always fidgeting with my hair, clothes, the food I cook if he even likes it. I began preparing some lunch for him and Happy, they were settling talking to me about their job and everything that's been going on in the guild.


Now that Natsu and Happy are back home I realized how much I enjoyed the quietness in the house. Then I really wonder what Natsu does during his time off, all he ever does eat and go on jobs, of course socializing with his guild but is that all? I wonder if he has any hobbies, they are a few books here and he does train frequently with Happy. I've been practicing as well... I perked up at the thought of something, "Hey Natsu..." turning around from managing the oven. He hums in response looking up from his daze, he was laying down on the couch probably still worn out from his last battle. Maybe dueling with him isn't such a good idea, "Yeah what's up?" He questions again noticing that I didn't reply to him at first, he gets up from where he was standing walking over to me. Still wrapped in the bandages I guess his fight with Jelall was did weigh him down, on top of eating that Ethernano... "Here, let me change your bandages again. Are your wounds hurting at all still?" I asked looking at him wiping my hands on my apron.

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