Chapter 19

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"GO-GO-GOMEN-NASI." Riylore said explaining putting her hands on her head, definitely messing up her hair. Forget her leaving her glasses, she just let the wind take his scarf. "Eh.. don't worry about it." What?.. Natsu sighs in relief though the scarf did hold some special value, Riylore held more in his heart. Him knowing that she is his mate he couldn't really lose her, losing a mate means losing a bestfriend for life. "What do you mean don't worry about it?! I just lost something so-" Natsu puts a finger over his lips and covers Riylore's loud mouth, "Hush." his hand moves from her lips to the back of her head, he forcefully pulls her her head into his chest. "I don't want to ever lose you, losing you means losing something you can't replace." But your scarf can't be replaced... Riylore thinks to herself knowing its true, his scarf can never be replaced.

Later on that day Natsu once again left Riylore with her friends. As soon as he left Riylore still thought of the scarf, he knows it's not her fault, it's really natures. But then again he left it in her care and she somewhat feels responsible. The irony in this is that Riylore off worrying about Natsu's scarf while the school is under siege, little did the students know that the school is under sieged by Eisenwald, one of the Dark Guilds thats well known across Earthland. The school officials didn't want the students to really worry but the students did deserve a explanation why some of their friends aren't coming back. Some of their friends are in immediate medical care. The school officials didn't know what to say, so then. They had to do what seem fit, call upon the schools Headmistress.
Like Erza and many other wizards Nanami Ko posesses holder magic, one of her main strategies is Sword Magic. It's been awhile since she's used her magic believe it or not, Nanami hasn't found a reason why to use her magic, being a ex-solider in the past made her find some hard times, even when being with Erigor she felt her power waning, it's one of the reasons why she stopped loving him. He was too difficult to change, and that's why she's such a believer on mages never stop using their magic, for any good ambition. If they end up like her and feeling afraid to use their magic where would they be? In a stump. "Listen everyone, when talking to the students give them a reassurance of everything will be okay." Like Riylore Headmistress feels just as guilty. She brought this on the behalf of the students, if she never led Erigor on, none of the students would be dead by now, she wouldn't have to send her school officials to go to every house of the deceased students and give the awful news. Headmistress's guilt is far from Riylore's bit more intense than what you would think. "I want to keep order within this school. For now, we have to do what's best, get the students to safety. Plan FOUR-ZERO-TWO-THREE is now in effect. YOU ARE DISMISSED."

Riylore looks around the place seeing the faces of students she didn't know, she sympathized with them she barely knew her mother, (A;N/ I know Layla didn't die because of giving birth to another girl so don't go blabbing off in the comments, all of this is made up in my mind and im just creating it as I go..) It was only a few years after Riylore was born her mother fell ill and died. Lucy was actually lying how their mother died right after Riylore's birth, Layla had a healthy birth and she was in good health, it was under other reasons why she died. But Riylore doesn't know that. The reason why Riylore sympathized with the her classmates and others because Riylore only remembers so little from her childhood, she barely remembers her mother's face, not alone what she looked like at the age of three. You could almost say Riylore's memory of her mother is has faded from her mind, withered away without recognition. One of the faces Riylore came across by was none other than Senpai Amiri, he was a familiar face, she then wonders how Hisashi is doing, is he okay? Is he alive? Is he hurt? There was a possibility that he was considering how many students are here at the moment, their could be a possibility of Miho, and the twins in the same condition. Or maybe worse. "What do you think will happen now with classes?" Kotoko asks, Riylore shakes her head no longer knowing, "What's happen with the school, whats the deal?"


I put my knees up to my chest, I hugged them thinking it was my sister. I can never hate my sister no matter how
hurtful her words may sound I know that she can never hate me. "I have a bad feeling.." I had a sinking feeling in my stomach, there was a reason to this, I couldn't just sit around here doing nothing, "Students!" everyone's heads
jolted and turned to the sound of the loud voice, so did I. We all saw a tall woman with blonde hair, she looks
strong, "She must be Headmistress." Kotoko whispers from behind I and Hannah, "I heard she's has holder magic,
she's amazing, some say she more powerful than Erza Scarlet herself, but I hardly believe that. Erza is amazing." "I am your Headmistress, Nanami Ko, I have came to talk all about what's happened." I couldn't believe how calm Headmistress Ko is even after that happened. "Most of you do not know but the school's under attack by a dark
guild. I comepletely blame myself." Headmistress Ko look down at the floor then she spoke again, "For now, we cannot let you return to your homes, its much too dangerous." Headmistress's eyes came across mine, maybe she
was staring at someone else's I thought to myself. Though I hardly think its true considering if I moved her eyes
would follow me, "For now, we must take you into shelter, if you return now to your homes, then you're setting up
your own family's death." Whispers and hushes and gasps echoed throughout the area, "The school officials, and the teachers will gather three separate groups." she explains looking around at the students no longer looking at me, "You will be going to Balsam Villege you will be staying at the local inn there until further notice." With that
everyone arose automatically including me, I was surprised myself, almost as if I was commanded to do it..


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