Chapter 28

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Selena's POV


The kiss even went out to a make-out session. It was amazing and I felt so in love.

It took bout 10 minutes til I pulled away.

"Justin?" "Yeah?" "I have to ask you something"

"Me too." Justin said nervously. "Then go first."

"Okay. So.. Dear Selena Marie Gomez. Would you give me the honor to be my girlfriend?" He asked hiding my hand and looking deep into my eyes.

"Of course" We kissed again and both smiled.

I'm so happy. He is finally mine and I'm his. Hopefully this time it will be for a longer time.

"So what did you want to ask me?" Actually I wanted to go slowly to the fact that I'm leaving in two weeks but now it was even harder. I just can't tell him now. We just came back together.

"Not important." I knew he wouldn't believe me so I tried to distract him with kissing again but he pulled away.

"No. Please tell me whats up." "Later, okay?" "Okay." He replied smiling warmly.

Then we walked along the ocean. We held hands and talked. When he wanted to put on his sunglasses I snapped it and ran away. He quickly caught me and whirled me around.

"I love you baby." He told me letting me down. I just smiled and kissed him. I think this is the best day of my life. Just him and me. I wish that day would never end.

The only bad thing was that I have to tell it him. I cant keep it for myself and just disappear. And when I don't tell it him in the next days he will be disappointed that I didn't. I think I really should say it.

Just right do it Selena. I told myself. I took a deep breath.

"Whats up, beautiful?" Justin looked at me worried. I felt tears in my eyes. They rolled down my cheeks and as soon as Justin saw that he wiped them away.

He kissed me on the cheek "Baby? Please tell me whats up with you."

I started to cry and went away from Justin. I just looked on the great view. The sun was about to go down and it looked amazing but I saw less cuz I cried more and more.

"I will go to Budapest for two months. And I will leave in two weeks." I finally got out in all the tears. I sat on the sand still crying. Why isn't he saying anything?

"Hey. Please stop crying, Sel. We will get thru that. Thru that and thru everything. I love you and this wont stop even when we cant be beside each other. I used to live in Texas and you here and we were together. Why not for two month on the other side of the world? I love you and that forever. Doesn't matter if we live in one town or apart. I just want you to be mine." He said wiping away my tears.

"I love you Justin." "And I love you but now please stop crying and get up."

I wiped the last tears away and Justin helped me up. My eyes were still teary but I tried to fight it back for him.

We watched the sunset together and as soon as the sun was disappeared we went away from the beach. I explained him on the way everything bout acting and my dad.

"Should we go to mine or to yours?" "To yours?" I suggested. "Okay, then you will meet my amazing siblings. You will love them." "I'm sure I will." I replied smiling.

We came to a little nice house and Justin opened the door so we could walk inside.

"I'm back." Justin yelled as we walked in the living room. "Yay. Justy" Two little kids ran into his arms. I think they are Jazzy and Jaxon.

"And this is the girl?" Erin came in the room smiling. "Yeah. Selena? This is Erin and this my dad. And the littles are Jazzy and Jaxon. And everybody? This is Selena." Justin introduced me.

"Nice to meet you Selena." His dad and Erin said to me shaking hands.

The kids smiled to me and so did I. They were really so cute. Like their brother.

We all sat down at the couch and watched TV. Justin tickled Jazzy the whole time and she laughed a lot.

Jaxon came on my lap and cuddled with me. He also talked a bit but he wasn't very sure with this. I guess he is just about two years.

Then they had to go to bed and Justin and me suggested to do it.

We first put Jaxon in his room. As we turned off the lights he said "Selena? I love you." He said all cute. "I love you too Jax." I replied before closing the door behind me.

Then went to Jazzy's room and put her into her bed. "Justy?" She suddenly spoke. "What's up sweetie?" "Will you marry Selena?" "Maybe" He replied smiling to me.

"Do it. I really like her." We got out of the room and laughed.

"I have to go home." I told Justin looking down. "No. Please stay. You can stay over tonight. How about that?" He smiled big but I didn't even told my mom that I was away. She might has already worried.

"It would be great but I cant. We have school tomorrow." "Then we're sick." He suggested with hope and excitement in his voice. "Haha. No, I really can't Justin."

He made his puppy face but he cant always get want he want. "Forget it. I have to go." I stated clearly.

We laughed and went to the living room to say goodbye to Erin and his dad.

"Bye, Selena. It was really nice to meet you." "Thank you. You too."

Justin went with me to the door. "Should I bring you home?"

"No, Im fine. But thank you. Thank you for the amazing day and just everything. I love you and Im so happy that you will support me with my career." I told him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Sure. I love you my baby." We kissed then I started to make my way back home. It was already dark so I was pretty scared.

I called my mom and she came to the place I had been and picked me up. I told her everything and then I went to bed as we arrived.

It was such a long but wonderful day..


Omg I'm so busy in the last time.. I'm sorry for the less updates but once I'm done with most of my exams I'll post a lot more...

Be ready for some drama xx

Just expect the unexpected ;)

Love y'all :) <3

Please don't forget to vote and comment!! I'd mean so much xoxo

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