chapter 13

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Selenas POV -- I slept quite long then I remembered Justin was here so I got quickly up. I went downstairs and saw Justin and Anthony sitting on the couch talking. "Morning my two favourite guys" "Morning sweet talker!" "Morning beautiful." "Should I go out?" Anthony said when Justin came up to me and kissed me. It felt so good and so right. We all started laughing and went then in the kitchen for some breakfast. "Anything planned for today?" "Only this evening." "Okay, so now you have something planned for the whole day." Justin said smiling. I finished eating when I felt some hands around my waist. Justin started tickling me so I bursted into a huge laugher. I couldn't hold myself so I felt on the ground. Justin stopped and laughed too. "Im up in my room" Anthony said smiling. Justin held his hand out so I took it and he helped me up. We stood very close to each other when we both leaned in to a long kiss. Justin took his arms around my waist and mine were around his neck "Ahem.." My mom stood in the door of the kitchen. "Morning, mom." "Morning Mandy" "Morning love birds" My mom smiled so we did. "What are you guys doing today?" "I don't know Jus wont tell me." "Haha okay. I have to work today and will be back very late. Have a nice day." She went out of the house when I realized Im still wearing my pj. "I'll go to change." "You could stay in them. You look beautiful in everything and your pj is very sweet" "So do we stay here?" "I didn't say that." "So I should go on street in my pj?" "Why not?" We both laughed then I walked upstairs. I put on a jeans, a sweater and a scarf. Then I made a braid with my hair and put on some make up. When I came back downstairs Justin wore also something different. "Sorry it took so long." "No problem. Typical for women. Lets go?" "Yep" I put on my shoes so Justin did. We went to his car and drove to the next city. "What are we doing here?" "Your mom said you need some new clothes and while shopping we can talk a lot so I thought you might like it." "Sure I do." We wanted to go to the mall when it started raining. I started running so Justin did. He hugged me from behind and whirled me around then he took my hand and we ran into the mall. I love to go shopping and now Im with my boyfriend. That's gonna be one of the best days of my life. We walked thru some shops but just looked. Then we got hungry so we went to Subway and bought some junk food. We talked and laughed a lot the whole day. At the afternoon I bought one dress because Justin loved it so much. It was purple which is his favourite colour. I knew Justin hasn't much money so I wanted to pay it of course but he didn't let me. I didn't want to mention that he and his mom doesn't have this much so I had to let him buy it. I felt horrible in that moment. We talked bout random stuff when I remembered Demi. I had to be at hers in half an hour. Justin and I went back to the car and we drove home. I quickly changed and wanted to go when I heard someone saying my name behind me. "Selena?" "Yeah?" "Thanks for the amazing day. I love you." Justin said while coming closer and kissing me. I pushed him away after a moment cuz I had really to go. I was already a bit too late. "I have to go. See you later, babe." I ran to the door and before I closed it behind I remembered what he has said. "I love you too." Then I quickly went to Demis house and knocke don the door. A cute little boy opened the door. "Hello" "Hey." "Demi? Here is a girl." Demi came and let me in. We hugged aand went up to Demis room. "Who was this little cutie?" "My cousin." "Aww, hes so sweet." "The only one I like from my family but he has to leave in some minutes cuz he has to go to bed early." "Oh, okay." Then we had to come in the party room for dinner. We sat there for the whole evening and talked a lot. Not only Demi and me also her family members who she actually doesn't like very much but I think they were quite nice. It was very late when I realized everybody was gone. I laid on the couch, I think I fell asleep. Then Demi came up to me. "You wanna stay here or should I drive you home?" "Im fine. I'll go by foot." "No, my mom wont let you. Its dark and late." "Im old enough and she doesn't have to know." "Your sure?" "Yes." "Well, okay. See you Monday at school. And thanks for coming." We hugged and then I went out. On my way home I was often very scared. I hate it especially when there are no lights. But I came home safely and when I went in I saw Justin waiting for me. "Your still awake?" "I cared bout you. You didn't answer my messages or my calls." I felt for my mobile in my purse but it wasn't there. "Oh.. I think it still lays in Demis room. Sorry." "Its okay. As long as your good." "Im all good." He came up to me and hugged me tightly. "Goodnight beautiful." "Goodnight babe." He kissed my cheek and we went upstairs holding hands. Then we went in our own rooms and I changed in my pjs. I jumped on my bed and fell asleep.

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