Chapter 2

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Selenas POV - I woke up and saw no one besides me. Then I looked on the clock and it was already 11am. I went in the kitchen and the living room but nobody was there. So I ate cereals until I heard a knock on the door. I opened it but I forgot how I look. I just wore my most embarrassing pj and my hair stood in all directions. And then it came even worse. It was Justin. He looked down at me and started laughing. "Hey" he said smiling. "Hi" I replied while running in Emmas room. I changed as fast I could. Then put my hair up and then went back downstairs. Justin stood there. When he looked at me he smiled. *convo* "Sorry" "For what?" "For running away but it was just the most embarrassing moment ever." "Why?" "Why? Cuz I looked terrible and.." "No! U r always beautiful! Doesn't matter what u wear or if u have make up on or off. I like naturally girls and think u looked very sweet in this pjs." *end of convo*

Justins POV - after I said that I didn't know what she will say. Was it wrong? But ten she was blushing. So I smiled. She is such cute and I wish I could see more often just in pjs and without make up and stuff. She is always so beautiful, I cant believe this beautyness. Ok, I should stop and start talking to her. So I did. After talking bout half an hour Emma and her best friend Emily came in. "So what we wanna do today? Maybe going.. Oh hey Justin. Ehm I think we will go upstairs to leave u two alone." Emma said. "No its okay. I have to go anyway. U know I have to work, so goodbye. Bye Selena" I said and winked. I wished I could stay and could spent time with Selena but I cant. My mom still is not healthy enough to work, so I have to earn money to get at least some food. I went out of the door and took the next train to Dallas to my work.

Selenas POV - I wished Justin could stay. It feels so good to talk with him. I never talked with a boy like that before. Always just like flirty things. "We wanna go shopping today. U wanna come with us?" Emma asked and I just nodded and got ready. We took a train to Dallas and met there some random boys. They all were pretty good looking. Ems and Emily started flirting with two of them and the third tried to flirt with me. I didn't know what to do cuz he seemed very cute. When we arrived in Dallas the boys said they will go with us thru the town so we all went together in a big shopping mall. After some hours we all got hungry and went in a little restaurant. We first ordered some drinks. Then one of the boy - Ethan - said very loud "Are u kidding me? I ordered a coke and not warm pee!" I couldn't believe he said that. A boy came and asked whats up when Ethan knocked the class down. "That's just shit man. This is up. Come on cuties, lets go to Mc'Donalds for better meal." He said while pushing the boy away. He fell on the ground so I decided to help him up. I turned around and it was Justin. I couldn't believe that it was him. Ethan wanted me to come but I didn't want to. He is no way cute! Justin is and Ethan is just mean and horrible. I helt out my hand to help Justin up but then Ethan tried to pull me with him. "Let me go" I just said while trying to get his hands off mine. But he didn't. I scared he would do something to me. But then Justin pushed Ethan away from me. He was my saver, my hero at this moment. Then I realized they started a big fight. Ethans friend screamd things like "C'mon! U get him" "Ur stronger than him" "Show him whos the boss". Emma and Emily came over to me and asked if everything would be alright but I couldn't answer. I scared now so much of Justin. An old man shouted "Mr Bieber" so Justin turned around. At this moment Ethan hit him on the ground. He laid there with a bleeding nose."Ur okay?" "Sure Sel" "Thank u Justin." I said while taking out a handkerchief to whipe the blood out of his face. At this moment the old man in the backround said angrily" Ur fired Mr Bieber!" Justin looked very sad after this. "U'll find a better one" I tried to cheer him up with a wink on it. But he did something I didn't expected. He took the handkerchief and went away. I looked sad after him when Emma said "Come on I will tell u the story bout him when we drive back. Lets go" So we went to the train station while Emma started telling me Justins story "His mom got sick when he was very young. He took her job when he was seven that she will still have it when she gets healthy. But after some years the boss said that he cant do it anymore so his mom lost the job and they had nothing. But for luck his mom got better so she tried to get another job and she did. She worked as much as she could. But one year ago the disease came back. Since then Justin earnes the money for them. And without a job he has nothing." "Oh I didn't kow this." "sure u didn't. But I just wanted that u know that he didn't go away cuz of u. Just cuz of his situation." "Hm. Okay. But actually I am cuz.." "No stop! Lets talk bout something different." "okay" I replied very sad.

Justins POV - I lost my job. What now? I have nothing. What shoul I tell mom? She will ask why and I cant say that I fought with a random guy. Ahh fuck! Why these things always happen to me? The only positive on it, I saved Selena and she is thankful of it. Maybe I have a chance on her. But wait. I left her there alone. Im such an idiot!! Why did I go away? Im so stupid. I better go right up in my room so my mom wouldn't recognize anything. I just go to sleep.

Selenas POV - After we arrived at Emmas we watched some movies. It was a typical girls night.. I could forget bout the happenings of the day and just had fun. That we should do more often.

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