Chapter 9

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Selenas POV -- At the next day I woke up smiling. I rest a bit in my bed until I got up. I knew Eva was still sleeping so I decided to make her breakfast and bring it on her bed. But it seems like I wasn't the only one who thought of something like that. Emma stood in the kitchen with a tablet in front of her. "Should I help you?" "You had the same idea, had you?" "Yes" We both started laughing. "Then come here. You can slather nutella on the croissant. She loves that." We made a lot of food and took at the end a bunch of flowers on it. It looked really good. We went upstairs and started singing happy birthday when while opening the door and walking towards her bed. She opened her eyes and smiled big. "Aww thank you so much my cuties." "Happy Birthday mom" Emma said hugging her. "Happy birthday I said quietly in the backround. "Let me change and we can go in half an hour, okay?" "Sure" Em and I went upstairs. After some minutes Eva came too and packed her purse. At this moment the door bell rang. Eva went to the door and opened it. We couldn't see who it was but Eva hugged her and awed. I knew the voice which said happy birthday to my aunt. "Selena? Guess who is here?" My mom went in and ran up to her. I gave her a big hug and that for a long time which felt like 10 minutes. We talked a bit by whispering in eachothers ears. I was so happy. I missed her a lot. "I though you wanted to come tomorrow?" "I know but I didn't want to miss Evs birthday so we changed the ticket to today." She said smiling. But suddenly I had a weird feeling then I knew why. "Mom? Does that mean we have to leave this evening?" "Yeah but this shouldn't be a big problem. I mean you spent the whole holidays here and I want also some with you." I didn't know how to react. I wanted to spend time with my mom of course. But there was Justin. I wanted the day for just me and him. That means I wont see him til the next holidays? Oh gosh. Not really?! That's shit. I like him really or even love him. 10 weeks are such a long time. I ran into my room whipping away some tears. Of course my mom didn't know whats up but Im sure Ev or Em will tell her right now. After like 10 minutes I decided to go back upstairs. When I came into the living room my mom gave me a hug. "Cutie, I didn't know that. Sorry." "No, its okay mom." I tried to cheer her up cuz I saw she felt very sorry for me. Then we drove to Dallas. We talked a lot on the way but for luck nothing bout Jus. I love it that my mom always know when I want to talk bout something and when not. We went in a restaurant, then went a bit shopping downtown. At bout 4pm we went back to the car and drove to my grandma. She was so happy bout our visit and she is so amazing. She always tells lot of stories and they are very inspiring. Sometimes it gets boring cuz she often tells the same stories again and again. "Selena? You know what?" My mom asked suddenly. I just shook my head. "Your cousin Anthony will live for one year with us." "What?" I was shocked. I didn't see Anthony for like 10 years but I was furious that I got it to know this shortly in front of it. He is one year older than me and I can just remember that he always was mean to me in old days. Then a good-looking muscular young men came in. "Anthony. You finished?" My mom asked the guy. What? This is Anthony? Gosh he was hot. What? Did I really think that? I have to stop. I love Justin and Anthony is my cousin. Did I thought love? No, I means yes I do. Now I was again sad cuz of the fact I wouldn't see Justin again. Oh. He didn't even know that I have to leave today. I must text it him at least. So I did. In this moment I heard a voice saying Selena. "What?" "You're really Selena? I cant believe it. You were like a boy and now you-you-you're hot." "Oh Anthony, everybody grows up. Just look at you." Everybody started laughing apart from me. I was annoyed so I decide to leave. I went outside and wanted to call Justin when someone followed me. "Come on. Still don't understand fun?" It was Anthony and I would like to scream at him but I held it inside. "Just leave me alone." "Come on, Selena. Why so bithy?" "Bitchy? Are you serious?" "Calm down. Do you have your period or what?" "Oh Gosh. You're such a fool." I wanted to go away when he held my hand and pulled me back. "Don't lets start the year like that. Please. I want a new chance for my life." "What do you mean?" "I made some huge mistakes in my life and in LA no one judjes me cuz of them." "Yeah cuz nobody knows them." "Exactly" "What happened?" "It should stay that nobody knows it there." "You don't trust me?" "I don't know you anymore" "So you did it once?" "I think so" "No you didn't." "Okay, then lets start from new, okay? Im Anthony." He said smiling. Maybe this would be not bad. "Im Selena" I said when my mom said "We have to leave guys. Anthony do all your stuff in the car. We drive then back to Evas and carry yours Selena." "Okay" "Yeah mom." We both went in the car and after taking Anthonys stuff inside. Me and Em talked a lot with Anthony on the drive home. When we arrived I had to hurry packing all my things. When I finished Anthony helped me carrying it into the car. When everything was in the car we had to say goodbye. I was the first who said it to everyone when I suddenly heard Anthony saying "What is that for a guy?" I turned around and saw Justin standing right behind me. He smiled cute at me. I thought on all the things I did with him when Anthony pushed him away. "Dude. Come too close to her and I will show you who is the man." "What did you say?" Justin said looking furious at him. "Calm down guys. Anthony go. That's my life and I though we only know us since some hours?!" "Yeah, sorry. You're right. But hurt her and I will hurt you." He said while walking away. "Who is this guy, Sel?" "Only my cousin. Please don't take him serious." "Oh, okay. So you have to leave now?" "Yeah, unfortunately." "I will miss you, beautiful." He smiled and hugged me passionately. It felt so good. After a minute I pushed him away. "I will miss you more." I said when I felt a tear falling down my cheek. "No, don't cry. Please, I don't want to see you like this now cuz I want to remember a happy girl." He told me wiping away my tears. I hugged him with my head face on his chest. I felt so safe like never before. "Selena?" "Yeah?" "I think I love you." "I love you too" He smiled and came closer. When our lips softly touched my mom screamed "Come on Selena. We have to leave." Why does she have always the bad timing. "I have to go" "Its okay. Call me when you arrived, okay?" "Of course. I will call you every day." "Promise?" "Promise." Bye beautiful, I love you." He said kissing my cheek. "Bye Jus. I love you." I went to the car without turning around. He didn't want to see me dry and I did. I went right in the car.I cried more and more when I felt a hand on my back. "Your boyfriend?" I couldn't answer and I even didn't know. But after some minutes I just said softly yes. Then we arrived at the train station and went in the train. I was still in tears. The whole drive I didn't say a word.

Justins POV - I knew she was crying while she was walking to the car. I felt a tear in my eye too but I could hold it. Emma came up to me and hugged me by saying goodnight. Then she went inside. I leaved then too. I thought the whole time just on her crying. That's exactly what I didn't want. When I arrived at home my mom already seemed to wait for me. "Are you okay?" "Yes." I said walking in my room. Then I fell in my bed thinking on nothing but Selena. She is so adorable but I hate the fact I wont see her for the next 10 weeks. I couldn't sleep the whole night cuz of that. It is nearly killing me inside.

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