"Who would that be?" Parker asks with laughter still in his voice. I clear my throat before taking a quick sip of my drink.

"Chase Black." Nick Let's our a cold laugh while shaking his head.

"He's completely obsessed with her. She's his world." 

"How would you know that?" Arik asks, clearly interested in the conversation.

"This dick followed her from Nebraska. He absolutely hates it when she's hanging out with me and the guys," Nick answers for me which I'm happy for. I don't really like talking about Chase.

"What about Ash? Philex's mom said he seems to like her. Not everyone is a crazy stalker," Sara says making me shift uncomfortably in my chair.

"Oh no, he's not my type. He's too invested in himself," I ramble but I don't want Nick to say anything about it. Parker lets out a chuckle as Nick tried to eat again but that seems to be a mistake.

"My god, you're so dense. What they are trying to get at is if you two are dating," he says. Nicks mistake of eating causes him to start choking again. He lets out strained breath before coughing some.

"We are not dating. Why does everyone think that? Eveyone thinks that," Nick groans out after slapping his hand against the table. He seems angry or annoyed but I can't really tell which one right now.

"Because of how you've been going on about the poor girl! Just look at her though, she's beautiful!" Sara says trying to defend her curiosity.

"It doesn't matter how I talk about her okay? She's my friend. I just don't okay?" He says seeming awfully defensive. He seems drained from this conversation. I would be too if my mother was drilling me for answer about my friend she thinks I'm dating. I glance at Parker who seems to have a mischievous glint to his eyes. Then it floats in my mind how their father said they like to push each other's buttons.

"From what I hear Vince Micheals has an eye on for a pretty purple haired spirit elemental. Isn't Riley the only one of those around?" Parker asks mindlessly. He's definitely trying to push some buttons.

"Riley doesn't like him okay? Can we just change the subject?"

"Why are you getting so worked up Nick? You seem uncomfortable or something," Parker points out.

"It actually is," Nick admits. The room seems to have gotten warmer. Parker is going to push him too far.

"It shouldn't matter if you two are just friends right?" He pushes making me sigh.

"Yes, Parker, we are just friends," Nick growls out. The room has gotten even warmer, warm enough to make me uncomfortable. I lock eyes with Nick.

"Just calm down or something. You don't want to start a fire," I warn. He nods his head showing he understands. His parents make small talk with each other as the room chills again. When I finish eating I look at the clock to sigh. School is almost over. "Nick, we gotta go."

"Oh crap," he mutters while shoving food in his mouth and taking up off stairs. "I love you guys, see you later!" He shouts as he pulls me out the door.


"Ash was angry that he was excluded," Philex mutters making Nick snort in irritation. 

"I really don't care how Ash feels," he spits out. I dismiss myself to change into shorts and a tank top before going to wait for everyone else in the living room. To kill my boredom I start to practice making orbs. I notice that when I look into it I can actually see the lives the dead has lived.

"You're going to be a force to wrecken with," Coby says while giving me an encouraging smile. Nick and the rest of the boys join us in the living room. He still seems worked up and I'm not sure it's just from earlier.

"You seem to angry Nick. You need to calm or you're going to hurt someone," I scold. He just shrugs while flopping down like a child. I let out a giggle at his behavior.

"What is it?" He asks.

"You can be so childish sometimes. After a hour or so of practice we decide to go back inside to take a break.

"Guys, I've been thinking a lot recently," Nick says catching our attention. His smile unsettles me a little. It seems as if he is planning something.

"That can't be very good," Ben says making everyone chuckle. "What's up man?"

"We should run."

"Like go jogging everyday? I'm not very fit," I say making him shake his head.

"No. Run away. Our little groups should do it. I want to know the truth of what's really going on," he says. His expression is dead serious. I look over at Ben and Philex to see what they think of their crazy friend. Why would they want to do that? Leaving everything they know and love.

"Philex and I will go if that's what you really want," Ben says and Philexs mutter in agreement. I have no doubt in my mind if I ask Josh he would hesitate to go with me. 

"Riley please," Nick says.


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