Chapter 8- Interviews, dating, and Chasing, MY OH MY

Start from the beginning

"Shut up," Liam grumbled as he looked out the window. I forgot Liam was going to be in the limo too. Very awkward.

Oh no.

"Harry?" I whispered and he looked at me. "We just gave it away."

"What away?" He asked confused.

"I think they know that we're dating now." I whispered. 

He grinned and whispered back. "At least I don't have to worry about telling them anymore."

I laughed and looked over at Liam out of the corner of my eye. He was still looking out the window. Everyone was in their own little conversations except him.

"Hey, Elena, are you okay?" Harry asked, intertwining our fingers together.

"Huh? Yeah, just nervous." I fake smiled.

"Don't worry. Everything will be perfect." He smiled. I can't believe he actually bought it.

"EY DRIVER! Turn up the volume!" Louis called.

The music got much louder and the ride was continued with small talk and me glancing at Liam once in a while.

Once we got there, we all lumbered out and into the studio that was going to have a live audience. When we got backstage a lady came around asking us if we needed anything. Another lady in what looked like her mid-30s greeted us. "Hey, I'm Mandy. Thanks for coming. I'm the host. You girls can stay backstage or join the audience."

We decided to stay backstage and we watched Mandy go back out on the stage from the wings.

"Hello and welcome to 'IN STARS'. I'm Mandy, your host and today we have with us, One Direction! Come on out boys."

"Good luck!" I whispered to Harry and lightly slapped his bum as he walked on to the stage. He grinned as he headed out. The crowd's roar was almost deafening. How many people could they fit in there?!

"Welcome boys, nice to meet you. So, I'm going to come out and ask the biggest question everyone wants to know. Who's dating and who's single? Let's start with you Liam."

"Single." He weakly grinned.

"You don't look to happy about that!" Mandy exclaimed. He just looked at her.

Niall said that he was single and then someone from the audience screamed loudly "Marry me!" I laughed real hard for that one.

Then it was Louis's turn. I grinned, knowing what might happen. Em was practically bouncing up and down, anxious for the answer.

"Well, actually, if I may, can I bring someone out here?" Louis asked. Mandy nodded and Louis grinned, "Emma, come on out here!"

She froze. I laughed and shoved her out there. She tripped but caught her balance before falling, making it obvious someone pushed her out there. The audience laughed and cheered loudly. She blushed as she walked up to the already filled couch. Louis stood up and went down one knee. OH MY! WHAT IN THE WORLD IS HE DOING?! Everything was silent, even the boys were shocked.

Emma looked astonished as Louis was muttering: "Now, where did I put it?" He finally pulled out a carrot and asked, "Emma, will you be my beautiful girlfriend?"

She nodded and Louis jumped up, hugging her and gave her his carrot. The crowd erupted into cheers and I hoped they would be as supportive for me and Harry. Louis sat back down, grinning from ear to ear as the boys high fived him. Emma walked off grinning like a Cheshire cat. I laughed at her as Zayn said he was still single.

It was now Harry's turn. It was time for the big announcement. I smoothed out my dress and stood up straight.

"I'm.......taken." There was a collective gasp. The boys were surprised. I guess I was wrong earlier. I guess they thought we were really close, flirty friends or something. Or they could just be dense people.

"Does it have to have anything to do with the lady backstage?" Mandy asked.

"Yes, yes....Yes it does." He smiled. "Well, bring her on out! We all want to see her!" The crowd roared in agreement. I walked out, waving and smiling. Harry patted his lap happily, but Instead I chose to sit next to him the best that I could. I sure was going to get a lot of death threats later on. I looked at Liam from the corner of my eye and saw that he had a disgusted look on his face, but he quickly hid it and made his lips into a tight, firm line.

"So how long have you guys been dating?" She smiled.

That one is a tough one. I didn't want it to make it seem I was another one of his girlfriends of the day or anything like that. Hopefully, I wasn't. I think Harry knew what I was thinking because he says we've been dating for a few weeks. Which we haven't, we've only been dating for two days. This time, the lads are even more surprised and Liam's face makes me feel horrible. He looks massively hurt, betrayed, lied to, horrified, shocked, disgusted, but mostly, he looked furious.

"Excuse me Mandy. But can we have a break?" Liam asked trying to hold back his seething tone, but not entirely succeeding.

She looked surprised. "Uh, sure. We'll be right back after this break!" The crowd started to talk amongst themselves. Liam bolted off the stage and the boys ran after him. I was shortly behind all of them. What burst his bubble?

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