Chapter 38 - Eyes Closed

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Chapter 38

Eyes Closed

•Ethan's POV•

Tyler follows me back to my place, so I can park my car and then get into his to go over to his place.

The car ride to Tyler's place is quite and filled with short, clipped sentences of nothing. I'm not sure if it's just me that can feel the sexual tension thickening.

I try to distract myself by looking around Tyler's car. It's much fancier than mine – admittedly, my car isn't a BMW, but whatever. I remember where we're going when the houses grow into two-story houses that are more modern than the rest of the town – I remember when America and I were on top of the water tower and she pointed out 'pretty-boy Tyler's' house. She's not wrong. He is very pretty to look at. In a deep, dark sexy way.

We get to his house and he has to punch in a code to open the automatic gate. Fancy indeed.

"Parents are out of town for the weekend on a business trip," Tyler says as he opens one of the great big double doors that are the front doors to his house.

His house is very spacious, with tiled floors and marble counters and chandeliers and huge flat-screen televisions and leather recliners. The house is also very dark and empty though, and with the dark, rainy clouds forming overhead, the house only seems even darker. Tyler doesn't bother turning on any lights.

I put my phone, keys, and wallet on the little table next to the front door and follow Tyler into a dark-carpet room with glass shelves and crystal chandeliers and a black marble bar. Tyler walks behind the bar and grabs two glasses, resting them on the bar before pouring an almost-golden coloured liquor into the stout glasses.

"Ever had whiskey before?"

I shake my head.

"Well, you seem nervous, and whiskey always solves that problem."

I try to force a chuckle as Tyler hands me the glass.

"Cheers," he says. We clink glasses gently and I echo his 'cheers' before we both take a sip.

I can't help but cringe at the taste of the whiskey, but I take another sip anyway. This makes Tyler laugh at me.

We walk into the lounge room and take a seat on the lounge, with space between the both of us. Tyler turns on the huge television and leaves it on some random channel, with the volume low. Neither of us are really paying attention to the television.

Tyler attempts to end the awkwardness first. He shifts himself on the leather lounge so he's facing me, with one leg crossed. "So, you've haven't been at school for two weeks."

I turn and face him, as well. "You've been tracking me?" I try to say this with humor in my voice, but I'm too nervous and it just comes out harsher than I meant it to.

"Hardly," he says, taking a sip of the whiskey. "I'd just noticed your absence when I'd go to the table every now and then to talk to Lucy or Jake."

I just nod, not sure what to say.

"I know what happened," he says. I take a large gulp of whiskey. By now I can feel the alcohol taking its effect. "I mean, I don't know what happened, I just know there's something happening between Jake and you."

I know he's being kind and trying get me to just talk about it, but I can't handle it, not after talking about it all yesterday. "I don't really want to talk about it."

"Sorry," Tyler says. "I didn't mean to-" I cut him off.

"It's fine, it's just a bit too fresh to talk about." Tyler nods to this.

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