Chapter 30 - The Hurting

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Chapter 30

The Hurting

•Ethan's POV•

I barely slept that morning.

I knew America was tired, and she refused to sleep while I was awake, hurting. So, I slowed my breathing and shut my eyes to mimic sleeping as best I could. America fell fast asleep shortly after that.

I rolled over then, leaving the warming comfort of America's sleeping body, and watched the sun rise in the sky until it seeped through the blinds and shun directly into my eyes. I pretended to sleep again when America started to ruffle around in the bed maybe an hour or two later, clearly waking up.

I only had to pretend for a couple minutes before she got up and left the room. But I didn't hear her car a few minutes later, so I knew she was still in the house.

Watching the sun wash the room in a mesmerizing golden-yellow was gorgeous; the way the light was so bright it was almost blinding, but oh how beautiful it was to stare at it. The gold only reminded me of Jake's blonde hair shining in the sunlight, with his wicked dimpled-grin and hazel eyes glowing.

I swear I could feel my heart throb. From then on, my chest ached as I breathed in and out repeatedly.

I heard Zoe's delighted squeal shortly after. And judging by the name she squealed, I'm assuming America was somewhere downstairs, probably watching the television. Mom woke up a few minutes later, but I couldn't tell what they were all saying to each other – it was all just mumbled words through the roof.

I was counting the seconds as they passed then.

Minutes later, light footsteps made their way up the staircase, followed by a gentle knock at the door. She didn't wait for an answer, she just opened the door. I was still rolled over and facing the window, my back to the door.

I was expecting her to crawl onto the bed, but instead she shuffled around on the wooden floor.

"Boo!" she screamed gently as she popped up in front of me, a huge toothy grin on her face, her brown curls bouncing with her. I feigned shock for her benefit, but the grin that made its way onto my face wasn't feigned.

"What are you up to, Zoe?" I asked.

"Surprising you," she beamed. "America is making pancakes, but they won't be ready for a few minutes." She crawled onto the bed then, and I shuffled across to give her some space.

She curled herself up beside me, and I threw the duvet over her to give her some warmth.

"So," she said. "Should I kick him in the balls?"

I burst out laughing. Trust Zoe to say something like that.

"I don't know if he'll be coming around here anytime," I said sadly.

Despite the mutual line of her mouth, her big brown eyes revealed that she was sad too.

She wrapped her small arms around my neck then, hugging me loosely. I felt like I could sob, but I held it in, burying the pain deep, for Zoe.

We stayed in that position for a minute or two, then Zoe pulled apart suddenly and grinned at me. "It's been a few minutes, pancakes are ready!"

She jumped out of bed and ran to the door, but she waited for me. "Are you coming?"

I rolled over in the bed. "I have to get dressed first," I said, remembering that I was only in my underwear.

She turned around then, still in the doorway, and began counting down from twenty. "Twenty, nineteen," she began.

I groaned. "Zoe, seriously?"

She continued, "seventeen, sixteen."

I groaned again, but I smiled nonetheless, enjoying the challenge. I threw the duvet off me and dived for the dresser.

"Thirteen, twelve," Zoe chimed louder.

I pulled out the first pair of long pajama pants and pulled them on.

"Ten, nine."

There was already a shirt on top of the dresser, so it didn't take long to pull it over my head.

"Six, five," she said, a giggle of anticipation making its way into her voice. She thought she was winning.

I creeped over to her in two seconds, making sure she wouldn't hear my footsteps.


"Boo!" I screamed in her ear as I grabbed her shoulders.

She screamed so loud I thought I might be deaf. She turned around and giggled, wrapping her arms around my legs.

"I win!" I stated proudly.

Zoe just stuck her tongue out at me, then ran away. "But I'll beat you downstairs!" she squealed as she raced down them.

It didn't take me long to chase after her, but she did indeed beat me down them.

She kept squealing as she ran to the countertop and jumped up onto a seat, all the while mom was shouting at us, "I told you guys not to run down the stairs!" While America was dishing pancakes onto a plate, giggling at us all.

Zoe barely had time to get comfortable in the seat when I came up behind her and blew a raspberry in her neck, which made her giggle further. We settled down after that, and I climbed onto the seat beside her.

Mom was standing at the end of the countertop, putting the pancakes on separate plates and getting all the toppings ready. "We're eating at the dining table this morning," she said. She proceeded to take them over to the dining table that was to the right, a few metres from the front door.

"When did we get that?" I asked.

"Yesterday actually," she said, resting the plates on the dark-brown dining table with matching chairs. There were four chairs, which was perfect for today.

I made my way over to the dining table, which Zoe ran for and sat down before me. But before I sat down, mom brought me into a half hug and kissed my temple.

She murmured, "I love you."

"I love you too," I replied, burying the tears even further. "Thank you."

We all sat down to eat then. I poured myself a cup of coffee from the pot. The conversation was sparse, but normal.

But I couldn't help imagining what this would be like if that fourth seat had Jake sitting in it.

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