Chapter 24 - The Wedding Pt. I

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Chapter 24

The Wedding Pt. I

•Ethan's POV•

"Smile!" Jake's mother says, snapping the picture a moment later.

Jake's parents stood behind their little digital camera. His mum insisted that we get a photo together under the arbor. The arched trellis was decorated in white roses, with a few wildly flowing off the back and front, giving it a sort of wild vibe.

"Look at you two, so adorable!" Jake's mum practically squealed. "Maybe they're next," she said, nudging her husband slightly. He just grumbled, despite the smile on his face. He seemed pretty content with just observing his surroundings. But I'm sure he'd much rather be talking to friends.

"Anyway, mother, we can't keep you and father from socializing. Ethan's going to accompany me to the bathroom," Jake said, seemingly realizing the situation as well.

"Of course, darling," she said. "Just don't be late to the ceremony, it begins soon."

With that Jake and I walked off, our arms hooked together.

He led me over to the tables of food. There were four of them, two on either side, with a considerable gap between them – enough for people to loiter while they had a quick snack. Jake looked hungrily at the entrees on the tables, all different kinds. He picked a mini quiche before leading me over to the other side where the other two tables were.

The tables were draped in pristine white cloth that flowed to the grass below, with fancy silver platters that held the foods, crystal-clear glass bowls that seemed to be filled with punch, juice, or soda, there were vanilla tower candles in frosted-glass jars with lacy white ribbon decorating just about everything, and vases of white roses on ever surface available.

It was a very white wedding indeed.

It was a perfect day for it; the sun was shining, with barely a cloud in the sky nor a breeze in the air, and the gazebos and marquees – adorned in flowing white curtains and white fairy lights – provided the perfect shade.

Jake's sister had hired the field behind the town hotel, as well as the restaurant in the hotel, and many rooms in the hotel. The hotel was a large brick building, no more than five stories tall, but it barely cast a shadow of the wonderful green field behind it.

There were round tables with chairs, decorated in the same white and silver adornments as the rest, scattered sparingly around the grassy area. Trimmed shrubs, bushes with wild flowers, garden beds filled with bright flowers, and mini trees that stood no taller than a grown man dotted and framed many parts of the main areas.

The field was on a slight downslope, which led to a lake, surrounded in willows and oaks with the sun shining on the water a few hundred meters away.

I picked a spring roll out of a bowl, while Jake poured both of us a glass of punch before we walked off.

"Have I told you that you look both sexy and beautiful in that suit of yours yet?" He asked it so casually, but I could hear the lust and sentiment behind the words.

"You have," I said, a smile on my face and a blush creeping to my cheeks. "Many times, actually. But I wouldn't mind hearing it a few more times before the day ends."

"Oh, you'll be hearing it more than just a few times, you can be sure of that," he said.

I did indeed, if I do say so myself, look pretty damn fine in my suit. I wore a dark blue suit, with a creamy white button-up underneath, and black formal shoes. The suit jacket had been buttoned once, but when Jake first saw me he insisted that I leave it unbuttoned. So, he had walked up to me, unbuttoning it slowly as he said: "don't hide that beautiful slim body." It's been unbuttoned ever since.

But Jake, Jesus Christ, if I looked sexy and beautiful, Jake was a fucking god on Earth.

He wore a crisp white button-up, with washed-grey pants, black shoes, and my favourite piece of the entire outfit: a matching washed-grey vest that was buttoned twice.

It's safe to say that he looks both fucking adorable and sexy at the same time.

Put a glass of whiskey in his hand and he'll look like he belonged in a previous decade, with his perfect tousled blonde hair and the grey vintage vibe.

Jake spoke in a hushed voice then, and it's like he basically read my mind: "where do you think the alcohol is at?" he asked, leaning in to me while rubbing his hands together, looking around.

"Well," I said, examining the two sides of the food tables that were covered by a makeshift wooden pergola frame. "If you drink that entire huge bowl of punch, you might possibly get slightly drunk."

His eyes brightened, "you think?" he said eagerly.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh my god, Jake, I'm kidding. Do you realise how many times you'd have to pee?" He shrugged, obviously not caring. "Besides, you can't get drunk yet, the wedding has only just begun."

"I don't want to get drunk," he said, but I heard the hushed "yet" that he muttered under his breath as he was turning around, looking for the beverage table. "I just want a little shot or mojito just to spice my mood a bit."

I couldn't disagree with that, but like hell I was pointing out the buckets filled with bottles and glasses and ice below the two tables, a few stems of wine bottles poking out from underneath the white cloth that was supposed to reach the ground.

"How about we go catch up with some of your family that you haven't seen for a while, while you're sober," I offered.

"That's probably a good idea," he said.

So, we walked away from the tables, and talked to some of his family. 

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