Chapter 4 - Panic Attack

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Chapter 4

•Ethan's POV•

He's flirting with me. Oh my God, he's flirting with me!

How do you reply to that? I've never had a boyfriend before, I've never flirted with someone. What do I do? Do I just say 'same'? No. What the hell do I do? Ignore him for the rest of my life? The extremely cute guy right next to me flirts with me and my plan is to ignore him? Yes.

I hunch my shoulders, pretending to focus on writing down the notes. Maybe ignoring him will work. Maybe he was joking? He'd have to be joking. Maybe he's one of those guys that likes to toy with people?

But I'm saved from saying anything back. Miss calls out to the class "Guys, we're going out into the woods to take some pictures, but we only have enough cameras for half of you, so pair up!"

I begin to search the class of any girl in need of a partner, but everyone seems they came in here with a friend. Fuck!

Then Jake whispers in my ear, close enough that I can feel his breath brush down my neck. "I guess it's just you and me." His voice is deep, smooth, rumbling through every bit of me, making me shiver.

I stand up immediately, causing my chair to slide back and hit the wall behind me. Yet again, for the second time already in this class, a loud bang erupts and all eyes are on me. I drop my head. Don't make eye contact.

I walk over to the front of the class where Ms. Tulle is holding a box of cameras. I grab one, making my way to the door. "Well, I guess that's your queue to come get a camera and take some photos outside," Miss says to the class. Chairs were scraping back and everyone began shuffling their way towards the cameras.

I opened the door and headed outside, going around the building and into the woods. And all I can think about is how much attention I just brought to myself, which can't be good, being the new kid. And then I've got the stupid little girl's voice in my head from the movie Into The Woods singing 'Into the woods! Into the woods!' in a high pitch voice. I know, how convenient.

I push my way through the dying white-bark trees - okay, a little morbid, I know - they weren't dying, just losing their leaves. Then my breathing starts to pick up. The branches seem to be sticking their claws out at me, reaching for me. I push forward.

"Into the woods!"

The ground was crunching beneath my every step, but then the crunching turned into cracking. Loud cracking all around me.

"Into the woods!"

The pitch was growing higher and higher with each lyric, until it was if someone was screaming bloody murder in my ears. The branches were sticking out further now, their claws bigger and sharper. It felt as though I had to barge my way through the trees, shoulder them away.

"Into the woods! Into the woods!"

Stupid bitch! I should have never watched that movie! "Ethan?" I was panting as if I had just ran a mile. "Ethan, are you okay?" The voice was distant, a whisper carried in the wind. I kept running, shouldering my way between the trees, swatting away their clawing branches.

"Into the woods! Into the woods!"

"Ethan, stop!"

Panic attack. That's the only thing that came to mind. I was having a panic attack.

I stopped running. I stood still, my head down, and clenched my fists. Then, I held my breath. My mom taught me this when I was younger. Hold your breath, sweetheart. Hold your breath, and then let go. They'll leave you alone. I'm here.

Then arms snaked around me. "I'm sorry, mom. I thought they were gone. I didn't know I still had them. I'm so sorry." I'm sobbing uncontrollably now, my shoulders heaving.

"Ethan?" That's when I realized the arms around me were muscular. The voice was deep, smooth. Oh God. This can't be happening. Not on my first day. My first class.

"Please, let go of me." I try to pull away, but his arms only tighten.

"Ethan, it's okay. I'm not going to tell anyone. I'm here." I lift my head. Deep brown eyes meet mine.

"I'm so sorry." I don't know why I'm apologizing to him. Because he had to see that? I didn't want him to see that. But then, he brought me back. He held me until I was calm again. I mean, I thought it was my mom, but it was him. "Jake, please don't tell anyone."

"My lips are shut, cross my heart and hope to die." I chuckle.

- - - - -

I don't know why I let him hold me. I don't know why I held on. I let myself cry in front of him, some stranger in my photography class that flirted with me. And oddly, I didn't feel like he'd run off and tell everyone that I break down like a big baby, I didn't feel violated, even though he saw a side of me that no one else has seen before - besides my family. I believed him when he promised not to tell anyone.

I trust him.

I kept my head down, trying to answer the history questions from the text book, but I couldn't concentrate. Not one bit.

On my way to second period - what I'm in now - I ended up in the wrong classroom without realizing. But, eventually, without the help of America, I found the right classroom.

I sat by myself, up against the wall, a spare seat next to me. No one wanted to sit next to the new kid. Not usually, anyway. But that didn't bother me right now. Right now, my mind was focused on Jake.

Jake. Some random guy in my photography class. A guy I didn't know existed an hour ago, a guy that flirted with me, a guy that brought me back from a panic attack. A guy that held me until I stopped crying.

And now he was plaguing my thoughts left, right and center.

But this had to be just some thing. It could've been anyone that I had to sit next to, anyone could've came out and helped me. How did he know what was happening to me anyway? Or was he just following me and found me freaking out, so the only thing he thought to do was hug me?

And there was only one person who could answer my questions.


Fourth chapter!! Ethan to the side or above and where ever the hell the picture is showing

I want you guys to know one thing; I'm not an expert in panic attacks. Please don't hate me if you think this interpretation of a panic attack is nothing like a panic attack, I'm just using ideas I've read in books and seen in shows and movies. But, there'll be more panic attacks in later chapters so hopefully I'll get better at writing them. Love you guys! Don't forget to vote Xx

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