Chapter 21 - "So, did you two have fun last night?"

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Chapter 21

"So, did you two have fun last night?"

•Ethan's POV•

A gentle knock sounded on the door that connected Jake and I's hotel room to his parents'.

Jake turned his head to me, a shocked expression on his face. He was sitting on the end of his bed, tying his shoes on. "No," was all he said. "Please, please, please. They didn't hear us. They couldn't of."

I imagined that from the look of Jake's face, I was sharing the same expression.

Quickly, I pulled my jeans up the rest of the way, buttoning them and quickly throwing a shirt over.

Jake's parents knocked again.

"One second!" Jake called out. He finished tying his shoe and pulled the end of the jeans down from his calf. He walked over to the door, unlocking it and opening it for them.

By then I had sat down on the bed, making a show of tying my shoes.

"Good morning," they both said cheerily. They were both already dressed for this morning's errands.

"How did you sleep?" Jake's mother asked.

"Great," both Jake and I replied in unison.

"That's goo-" she cut herself off. "Oh Jake, you've barely been here for a day and look at the mess you've made." She wasn't wrong. She gestured a hand – the one that didn't have the handbag looped on it – to what looked like Jake's suitcase vomiting on everything within a two-foot radius.

The room indeed was a mess; the blankets and pillows were spread messily over the bed from where we left them after getting up, towels were dropped in heaps on the carpet, Jake's clothes were everywhere, mine weren't much better, there's a used condom lying on the floor, there-

Oh my fucking god.

I tried to play it cool when Jake and both his parents turned to me when I gasped slightly. "Sorry, I just remembered that I haven't brushed my teeth yet," I said, which wasn't completely a lie. I made my way to the bathroom, kicking a towel on the way over the condom.

Before I could set foot in the bathroom, Jake's mother spoke, "oh, it's quite alright, we have a few errands to run for Amanda before we are able to meet you two at the café his morning, we won't be there for at least another hour."

I nodded at Jake's mom.

Jake saw the awkwardness on my face. "So, did you two have fun last night?" Jake said in a playful tone to his parents. "What did you two get up to?"

Jake's father chuckled, and when I looked at him, he winked at me. I wasn't sure if I visibly cringed or if I kept it in check.

"We just went out for dinner. We got so carried away with talking that the waiter had to notify us that they were closing in a few minutes and that we had to leave. You guys definitely sounded like you were having fun last night though," she gave a suggestive wink to me.

I'm sure the look on Jake's face mirrored mine; mouth agape, eyes wide and bulging, jaw dropped.

His mother chuckled, along with his father. "Oh, I'm only joking you two, you were both sound asleep by the time we got back." Both Jake and I visibly sagged with relief, though we attempted to hide it and not make it so obvious.

I could only hope that she was being serious this time – and that they didn't hear us this morning.

"Anyway," Jake's mother quipped. "We have errands to run, we shall see you at the café soon."

- - - - -

"You look cute today."

Despite the compliment being something that I had become accustomed to over the few weeks of knowing Jake, it still managed to spread a rouge blush on my cheeks.

I was only wearing black skinny jeans – as per usual – and a plain white tee, with a tan suede unzipped jacket thrown over my shoulders. I gave Jake a one-over as we walked down the paved sidewalk hand-in-hand. He indeed oozed sex appeal; he wore dark-blue skinny jeans that hugged him quite nicely in the front, with a black long-sleeve shirt that he rolled up to his elbows – which, despite it being black, was tight enough to feature his toned chest, arms, and abs.

I couldn't help but smirk when the wind blew in our direction, pressing the shirt even more against his gorgeous body.

Jake caught my one-over analysis of him, and from the smirk that played on his pink lips, I could tell I had no need of returning the compliment.

"See, aren't you glad we decided to walk to the café?" I said, a rhetorical question as much as it was just to poke fun at Jake.

He groaned. "We? There was no we in this decision. You tackled me onto the bed to get the car keys out of my hand." Despite the annoyance lacing his voice, I could tell that he wasn't actually mad about it from the smile on his lips.

Jake had just wanted to drive to the café with the heater on, even though it was only a ten-minute walk from our hotel. I insisted that we walk, enjoy the town a little while we're here, get some fresh air, get a little exercise. Jake only made a quick joke about how "we did a lot of exercise last night and this morning" followed by his signature wink.

I chuckled a little at the memory. Then scoffed a little. "You dared me, betting that I couldn't take you." The slight breeze ripped an autumn-coloured leaf from one of the trees lining the edge of the sidewalk, the leaf floating between our bodies and somewhere on the sidewalk behind us. "You better buy me that coffee when we get to the café."

"Yeah, yeah," hesaid. He played with my hand in his, swinging them back and forth while he waslost in his thoughts.     

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