Chapter 19 - First Time

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Chapter 19

First Time


•Ethan's POV•

I don't think I've ever towel-dried myself faster.

Jake and I both hurried to dry our bodies as quick as possible with the fluffy white towels provided in hotels. I could feel the air between us as we stood hardly two feet away from each other, the air was thick and thin at the same time.

Despite our best efforts, neither of us were completely dried when Jake pushed my naked body back onto the hotel bed, the towels discarded and forgotten on the floor somewhere. Jake lowered himself upon me agonizingly slowly, until there was just an inch of open air between our bodies. There was no contact, but I swear, the steely, steamy look that Jake was giving me could've finished me off right then and there – that . . . and the thick length in the bottom of my vision.

Jake lowered his head then, our breaths mingling for moments, eyes closed. He had an elbow resting beside my head, supporting him, and the other, trailing a line of fire up my thigh. His lips met mine, in a brief moment of passion and lust–

Then he pulled away suddenly, and he was off the bed in a second. He grinned at the glare I was giving him.

"Tease," I hissed.

He chuckled. "Just taking precautions."

He unlocked the door that joined our room to his parents' room, then gave a few taps. No answer. He opened it, sticking his head in quickly, hiding his hard, naked body behind the door. I smirked at the action–

I imagined I would laugh my ass off if his parents caught him like this.

He whistled then. All clear.

He closed and locked the door again. "They said they wouldn't be home 'til late." He walked around the bed, to the door that opened to the hotel hallway, double-checking the lock. "Could you imagine? Being caught out this way?"

"Oh, I could," I said, laughing at the image that popped into my head; the door opening to Jake's slightly drunk parents, for them to find their son burying himself in his boyfriend, the look of utter shock on Jake's face, and the one on mine.

I'd do anything to see Jake in such a state, but maybe not something that would put me in such an awkward position.

"Shut it, you," Jake sound, crawling onto the bed and leaning over me. His grin made my heart warm.

Quickly, the sexual tension was thickening. Jake broke it, kissing me fiercely. His body was entirely over mine now, every hard and smooth inch of it. I wrapped my legs around Jake's ass, linking my ankles. Jake seemed surprised at the action, but not nearly as surprised as when I flipped him, putting me on top of him.

He exhaled – I'd slightly knocked the breath out of him.

I was sitting on him now, and I could feel his hard length throbbing beneath me. I grinned, pure lust in my eyes. I started grinding on him then, taking pleasure in the moans that escaped Jake's gorgeous pink lips, his eyes shuttering with each grind. He wrapped his warm, rough hand around my length in response, tugging it rhythmically with my grinds.

We were both panting slightly within a minute, and we were both a little wet from it all.

Then Jake flipped me.

"Now it's my turn," he said, a lustful grin spreading from one ear to the other.

A moment later I felt his fingers leave my throbbing cock, leaving a trail of cold fire in their wake as he started feeling around my hole.

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