The Pick - Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter 23

The sun was nearly blinding, while we were laying on the beach. Jake wouldn't stop looking at me ever since i psyched him out. Every time he did look at me Bray would start cracking up. They're so weird. But they're my friends, so I guess I have to be nice to  them.

After the fifth time Jake glanced at me, I had had enough, "What!?" I cried, frustrated. He looked taken aback at my outburst but replied anyway. 

"Why didn't you just kiss me?" I sat there in shock as a wave of confusion took over me. He had wanted me to kiss him. 

"Because it's more fun to leave you hanging," I winked at him then put my sunglasses back on. I was still wearing the same bathing suit I was earlier, at the pool. Bray had just left to go to the Runner-Up Competition. 

As they blew the horn, I directed my attention towards the ocean. 

"Go, Braydon!" I cheered. 

This was going to be an exciting competition - especially because for once I got to watch it and know who I'm competing against before I have to compete against. 


Braydon was moping around the room, disappointed that he received runner-up at the Runner-Up Competition. That basically meant, if, for some reason, the winner couldn't compete in the competition he would take her place. And yes, the winner was a girl. 

I smiled at that - I wasn't the only girl anymore. It turned out she was our other neighbor. I thought I should go say hi to her, after all, she seemed friendly. 

"I'll be next-door," I called over my shoulder as I walked out the door. 

I turned to the right and two doors down, knocked on the door, skipping a second glance to my mom's room. Within seconds I was greeted by a female face. 

"Oh, hi!" I was greeted cheerfully, "Olivia, right? I'm Kailee. Nice to meet you!" She stuck her hand out, offering me to shake it, so I did. 

"Yeah, Olivia. And nice to meet you too, Kailee," I smiled at her, returning the beam she gave me. 

"So, what can I do for ya?" 

"Well I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out, girl time, you know. Get away from all these guys?" 

She laughed, "Yeah sure, let me just go grab my bag,"

I smiled at her, "Okay, just knock on my door, Room 203, see ya!" 

She closed the door and I went back to my room. I knocked on the door after realizing I left my key inside. To my surprise, Mike answered the door, "Hey sweet thing," 

I rolled my eyes and walked, okay more like shoved, my way past him. I looked at Jake expectantly, "What is that doing here?" I gestured towards Mike. He covered his chest with his hand, feigning mock hurt. I rolled my eyes - again. 

"He came here to have some dude time," Jake put extra emphasis on the words 'he'. I rolled my eyes once more. 

"Whatever, I'm going to hang with Kailee. See ya later then!" 

"Wait, Olivia!" 

"What Jake?" 

He came over to me and planted a soft kiss on my cheek, "No kissing any boys,"

"No promises!" I called, winking.

I went into the bathroom and looked at my appearance. I looked fine.

I was wearing short denim cut off shorts, a blue tank top, with a blue and green plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up. My hair was up in a stylish sloppy bun, my shoes were turquoise flip flops, and to top it off I sported a brown belt around my waist.

I  grabbed my bag, put my cell phone in and said 'bye' one last time to Jake and Braydon, ignoring Mike. There was a knock at the door, and I went up to answer it. 

"Hey Kailee," I said, smiling.

"Hey," She replied, smiling just as much. 


I was walking down the two doors from Kailee's room to my room and thought of everything she had said. I confessed to her I did like Jake - no - I loved him. I just didn't know how to show it. She had told me two words. 

Kiss Him. 

And I'll do just that. 

I pulled my key out of my bag and barged right into our room. Luckily Mike was gone, and Bray wasn't around. Jake was sitting on his bed. 

I slammed the door, causing him to look up at me, shocked. I looked at his adorable face and couldn't resist any longer. 

I ran right up to him and kissed him right on the lips. He kissed back immediately. Our lips interlocked in a passionate yet gentle kiss. It wasn't a wanted kiss, a needy one. Like if he weren't kissing me he would collapse. 

Like I was the only one who could save him. 

And it was the same way for me. We were the only ones who could save each other, and here we were, finally rescuing each other - as well as being rescued. 

We finally pulled apart, both of our breathing staggered. Jake was the first to break the silence. 

"I guess dreams do come true," I smiled up at him.

"I guess so," 

We interlocked lips once more, happy and free, not caring about anything in the world but each other. The feeling was amazing, and I've never experienced it with anyone else. Only Jake. He was the one for me. 

-Author's Note

hey everyone!! Sorry for the EXTREMELY late update but i had writer's block!! :o but anyways, I'm sorry and excited to say that this is the LAST CHAPTER. but there will be an epilogue coming up soon, so don't delete this story yet! :) love you all.<3 and are we happy that Olivia and Jake are FINALLY together?? lol, FAN VOTE AND COMMENT please. peace


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