The Pick - Chapter Six

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In the morning Jake and I said our goodbye's and I trudged up the sand to my house. 

My mind was still whirring about what Jake had told me. 

He said he loved me.

But that was just like a sister, a good friend, right?

I went to open the back door, only to find it was locked. 

Dang it!

I forgot Hallie got back from camp this morning. I swear I'm going to kill that girl. I went around to the other side of the house and snuck in through the basement window that we always keep cracked open.

"Hey big sis," She spoke with mischief in her voice.

I whipped my head around and snapped, "I will not let you get in the way with me and my summer life this year, got it? That means if I have to tell mom everything that you've done I will. Who knows maybe I'll get lucky and she'll send you to live with daddy."

She still loved Derek, and would be delighted to go live with him. I know I sound mean right now talking to her, but she's such a prick! It gets on my nerves so dang easily.

"Oh don't worry, I am going to live with him for the summer. Mother said it would be good for one of us to go and support him. I volunteered immediately. So don't worry. I'll ruin your not-life at school instead." With that she gave a cold smile and walked away. 

What did I tell you!?

She absolutely hates our mother now because she's the one who filed the divorce. But Hallie doesn't know what an affair is either, so she wouldn't know to hate our "father". 

She got her ways from him, being a prick, priss, and a snitch. Always the sweet innocent little tattle tale. 

Well, she's 14 now and I knew just how to embarass her when school came 'round. And boy was she gonne hate me for that. 


Braydon and I decided to go surfing, since Jake can't go. He was too tired to even walk so he just stayed at home. 

I grabbed my purple and black surf board, not noting which one i grabbed. 

Before starting Bray and I of course made a bet. 

Whoever wiped-out first had to get the other ice cream from Dairy Queen. 

We were off and doing great, Bray even got slight tubage which was like winning a Grammy for him!

I was about to catch a huge wave when, "OLIVIA!" My obnoxious little sister scream. 

I totally just slipped off my board and sunk. When I came back up, Braydon was laughing.

"I'm gonna kill that girl." I muttered. And it wasn't a lie either. Now I owed Bray a blizzard from DQ all because of that little rascal, Hallie.

I trudged up the beach and through gritted teeth said, "What. Do. You. Want.?"

"Just wanted to say bye!" She said with a cheeky grin but then brought her voice down, "I work in the business of misery, and that misery is headed towards you this fall. So watch your back." She smiled and stalked off towards my dad's car. She turned around one last time, glaring at me over her shoulder. 

This was probably going to be the worst year of my life. 

She was going to be at my high school! I a junior, her a freshman. It's just... No!

She's going to ruib my reputation and I. But that's two months away... I'll live...I hope.

"So, when do we go to Dairy Queen?" Braydon came up behind me.

I rolled my eyes, "Let's drop our boards off and go." He agreed.

We decided to walk up to Dairy Queen, it was only three blocks away, and it was a gorgeous day. 80's and sunny!

An ambulance wailed by. 

A police car. 

A fire truck.

What was going on?

I looke and Bray but he just shrugged.

Guess we'd find out sooner or later. Word spreads fast around here. 

Sometimes even a little too fast...

-Author's Note

Hello all, I'm not very happy with this chapter :/ i think it's a little too boring... So what do we all think of Hallie? Picture to the right is her! And the song has to do with Hallie! :) Read On! FAN VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASE!!! If you fan me, I'm starting a new *PRIVATE* story. Only fans can read it... SO FAN PLEASE!! It's going to be called, I Couldn't Care Less. 

~_~ ~_~ lexi ~_~~_~

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