The Pick - Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 12

Never Again, will I fall for Love. 

I remember the vow I made after finding out about Miley and Dale. I was so stupid to think my love life with anyone else to be the same. Stop. Just stop, I told myself. 

I won't think of him anymore. I took a picture with Jake's phone I stealthily withdrew from his pocket, sent it to me, and stared at it. Proof.

Jake turned to me, concern in his eyes, "He doesn't deserve you." I smiled at him. It was a small smile, but it was, nevertheless, a smile. He returned it immediately and wrapped me up in his arms. I hugged him back. I felt so much safer in Jake's arms than in anyone else's, I just couldn't figure out why, "Just don't let your emotions interupt your performance, got it?" 

I nodded my head. I was not going to let him mess this up for me! It was my chance to go big, and be discovered as a surfer. It was my dream, after all. 

I still could not get over the fact that Matthew - constantly taunted as a goody-two-shoes - had cheated on me. It was surreal, almost. But it was true, and that's the worst part. But the absolute worst part of it?

It didn't hurt. And that killed me. 

Why couldn't I be mad at him? How come I wasn't crying right now? How come I feel happy that we weren't together anymore. 

I stalked up to the pair, who were still kissing, and let out a low whistle. I recognised the girl as Delaney Hampshire. When Matt realized it was me, his eyes grew large. His eyes darted between me, Delaney, and the guys that were behind me. I'll make sure Jake doesn't smash his face in, I made a mental note to myself. 

"O-Olivia.... I can explain-" I held my hand up, cutting him off. Luckily he just fell silent. There was now a crowd surrounding us, but I didn't care, even though I'm not one for the spotlight.

"No, Matthew. You lied to me, you played me, you used me, and you cheated on me. It's as simple as that," I looked at him, expecting him to say something, but he remained silent so I continued, "I should be mad at you, and slapping and screaming at you, but I'm not. Because I guess I never realized how much we lacked. We're done, Matthew." 

I  felt at least 50 pairs of eyes on me as I walked back towards the guys, but I ignored them. If they think this is gonna mess up my preformance, they thought so wrong. I was going to show them I can kick butt any day, any time, anywhere. Because I, am Olivia Montgomery, and I am a Fighter. I do not collapse if I get pushed down, I stand taller and become stronger. 

After 5 minutes of sitting in silence with the guys, the announcer came back on saying, "Attention, everyone, we will begin the final stage of the State of Virginia Surf Competition in five minutes. Can we have our top 5 competitors to the check-in please, thank you. Happy surfing!" The speakers clicked dead. 

I got up and was about to walk off with Bray when a pair of arms wrapped around me. I heard a throaty growl from Jake and knew it wasn't him. I struggled out of the masculine arms, that held me captive and glared at their owner. 


"Stay away from me," I growled in a murderous tone. He looked trully shocked as to where this came from, but he walked away, nonetheless. 

I sighed and looked to Jake. He hugged me, "Good luck, Squirt. But I know you don't need it," I smiled and hugged him back. I thanked him and ran off to the check-in area. I gave Bray a quick smile when he gave me a questioning look. Thankfully, he dropped it - for now that is.

By the time we had gotten into the water, I realized how mad I was. Not because Matthew cheated on me, but because Dale thought he could just magically come to my rescue. Well let me tell you something, you've hurt me enough. So much that I can't stand to look at you. But every time I reject you, it makes me stronger. 

"And ladies and gentleman..." The starting signal went off, "They're off!" There was insane cheering and all I could think over the extravagent commotion was one thing. 

I'm gonna win this. 

'Authors Note'

Hey everyone!!! :) lol so I hope you like it!! So, this was a filler chapter. :P The final round will be in the next chapter. I'll post it tonight or tomorrow. :) VIDEO: Never Again - Kelly Clarkson, External Link: Christina Aguilera - Fighter. They're both really good songs and go perfect with Olivia's "situation". LOL. C ya! Love you all<33 FAN VOTE AND COMMENT>>>


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