The Pick - Chapter Eleven

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My alarm clock blared, waking my up. I quickly slapped the 'Off' button and shot up. I looked over and saw it was 7:45 AM. I groaned inwardly, but managed to get up. I reluctantly trudged down the stairs. It was too early to get up. 

By the time I was halfway down the stairs I smelled something - breakfast! 

I hopped down the stairs to at a time and ran into the kitched. I saw a feast prepared for breakfast. I ran up to my mom and gave her a hug. It all looked so amazing! 

"Thank you so much, mom!" I squealed. She laughed and nodded. I looked at her and smiled mischeviously, "Hey, are the boys up yet?" She laughed again. 

"No. They fell asleep in the basement last night. Oh! And Jake and Braydon are still asleep. I just got off the phone with Derek." I smiled an evil grin. Derek was Jake's father. 

"Mom, I'll be right back... Is the side door unlocked?" I called. 

"Always is!" 

I stepped out our back door and onto our deck. I traveled down the steps and over to the Bruckner's house. I stepped in quietly through the unlocked side door and went into the book room. I greeted Derek and went upstairs to wake up Braydon. 

Luckily, the boys sleep in the same room so I can wake them up without giving any hints that I'm coming. 

I crept into the second door on the left in the hallway and, as quietly as I could, shut the door behind me. Jake was sleeping on his bed neatly, his face that of an angel. Meanwhile, Braydon was sprawled out all over his bed, snoring. 

I tip-toed in between their two beds and prepared myself for the boys' reactions. I was so dead, I thought to myself. I smiled. They should've seen it coming - I do this every competition!

"RISE A SHINE YOU BABIES!!" I shouted in their small room, which seemed to echo louder than even I expected it to be. Oops. 

"What the heck, Liv!?" Jake shouted. He was only mad because he slammed his head against the wall. His fault, not mine. 

"Holy crap! I thought you were some psycho killer or something! i was in the middle of a dream with one in there and - don't ever do it again!" Braydon shouted. 

I smiled innocently, "I have no idea what either of you are talking about," I started to walk out of the room, "Oh! And we're having the usual breakfast feast at my house. If you hurry up you can scare the crap out of Bryan and Jason with me." 

I stepped out and waited in the hall for them. No more than five minutes passed before they both walked out. Braydon sporting his surf shirt and his swimming trunks. While Jake wore his swimming trunks and an old baggy t-shirt he cut into a muscle shirt. 

They went to brush their teeth and came back out. When we made it downstairs I asked Derek if he wanted to join us, but he politely declined. "Suit yourself." I had said. 

We walked the few yards back to my house and walked in. The boys said hello to my mother then we headed down to the basement. This was going to be so much fun!! 

The two boys were spread out on the couch in front of the TV. Jason was half on top of Bryan and they were in extremely awkward positions. I snickered at their pose and grabbed my phone from inside my bra. 

"They're gonna kill me, but whatever," I muttered. Jake scoffed and Bray said something along the lines of, "that's an understatement". I just rolled my eyes and turned my attention back towards my phone. 

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