The Pick - Chapter Eight

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After my "talk" with Dale, I felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders. I felt free. So free, and alive, and available

Once I said bye to Bray I started up my walk but heard footsteps to me right.


I owed him an apology I truly did. I just ran away from him that night of the bonfire. He was a really sweet and sensitive guy. I hoped he would understand. As I walked over he didn't notice me, really. He pulled out his keys and stuck them into the lock on the car door. 

"Hey," I said. He jumped a little, turned around, and when he saw it was me - smiled. I continued, "Paranoid much?"

He chuckled, "Oh yeah, totally! I mean you should see me when Elmo walks by..."

I laughed. I missed the good old days when it was just Jake and Matthew and I. But when Braydon came along, Matthew slipped away from us - Matthew despised Bray, it was clear and evident, but he refused to admit it.

"Listen..." I began, "I'm so sorry I left you that night. It's just, you know, Jake's my best friend. And I'm sorry for just running off and not even saying bye, I just jumped up and ran - literally. And then, I have all this time that I could talk to you yet I choose not to because everytime I try to I get side-tracked or something happens and -" 

I was cut off by his lips crashing into mine. I kissed back, and I liked it. I hadn't really kissed anyone since Dale. And that was not something I'd like to share. But, back to reality. It was a slow and passionate kiss. No rushing or anything. I respected that from Matthew, he was always so loving and caring, he was always there for you.

We pulled apart, my brown eyes boring into his blues. He smiled shyly at me. I grinned at him and laughed. I gave him a hug, which he gladly returned. He gave me a small peck on the cheek. 

"Well, I have to go visit my grandmother, Liv. See ya later?" 

"Definitely." I nodded my head and bit my bottom lip, smiling. "Bye!" I waved at like an idiot as he pulled out of the drive way. He just laughed and shook his head. I was smiling to myself - again like a complete fool and idiot. 

(A/N AWW!! haha lol, back to the story!!! :D)

I walked into my house, noted it was empty, and climbed the stairs two at a time. I ran into my room and flopped on my bed stomach first. There was only one thing I could do. Call Meghan. 

Meghan was pretty much the only "girl friend" I had. We always hung out whenever I had some weird thing going on with a boy, and she was always happy to help. So, I called her up without hesitating once. And, as always, she said she'd meet me at the small town diner in ten.

I was almost dreading to tell her this, because I, myself, had no clue what I was feeling - or what to feel for that matter. This was like bitter sweet torture, because it was just, oh i don't know, cliche!? But then again what do I know about "love life" with boys?

When I got to the diner she was sitting at a booth with a cute off the shoulder white dress, a feather in her dark brown hair, her brown eyes sparkling with excitement. I mentally laughed. She always got over-excited when I had "a thing" going on with a guy. 

I sat down reluctantly, but still wore the smile I had after the kiss. I just couldn't stop smiling! God! When would I stop smiling!? Sweet baby jesus! (A/N inside joke with me bffl(; ) Now I couldn't even stop thinking about him. Oh, lordee, I'm turning into a girl.

"So...?" Meghan implied as I sat down across from her. 

"There's a guy..." I said.

"Well no flipping duh!" She said. I just laughed sometimes it was just so fun to mess with her, and sometimes she would even go along with it. God I missed her.

"Well... There was sorta, kinda, maybe, a kiss?!" I said, unsure of my self.

"Ohmigod I'm so happy for you!" She squealed in a rush. I just laughed. 

"Well, we're not dating but he's so cute and nice!" I assured her. 

"So...?" She repeated wiggling her eyebrows. 

I sighed, "Matthew Blunt." I said with a smile.

She smiled back. She's always said that we were perfect for each other and I always ignored her. I guess I should've listened to her more often. Hmph...

We were going back and forth about my so called "love life" with Matthew. Every time she said that I rolled my eyes, but smiled at the mention of his name. She quickly caught this. I've never seen her this excited for me when it comes to guys.

Maybe he was the right guy for me...

-Author's Note

         Hello, all! Haha, sorry about all my (A/N) interuptions,.. i just had to! ;D haha, what do we think of Meghan?? haha lol, you know the drill people... FAN COMMENT AND VOTE PLEASE!!!!! and if you wanna make a banner or cover, etc., email me at: thanks!!

~_~ lexi ~_~

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