The Pick - Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter 16

I looked at him in disbelief. What did he just say?

"I'm sorry, what the heck was that!?" I screamed at him, unable to contain my anger any longer. Why the heck would I forgive either of them after all they did to me? After all the anguish they caused? Are they really that stupid.

Matthew just shifted uncomfortably while Dale went on to speak, "I said can you forgive us?"

I scoffed incredulously, "Forgiving is one thing, liking is another. I could've forgiven you a long time ago but that doesn't mean I don't hate you. And don't get your hopes up, I didn't forgive you," 

Matthew finally spoke up, "Please, Olivia, it's just... I can't stand the thought of losing you again-"

"Then why did you cheat on me so easily? Just like Dale. You guys are exactly the same and I can't stand to even look at you," I spat at them. By this time Dale had given me "the finger" and stormed out. I mentally smirked. One down, one to go. 

"Please don't compare me to him..." He trailed off. 

Okay, maybe I was being harsh, I guess I could probably forgive Matthew but definitely not Dale. Not if we were the last two people on Earth! I'd rather kill myself, for that matter. Yes, I would kill myself if the world was Dale and I. 

"That's kind of hard considering you both did the exact same thing to me," My voice was now calmer and more collected and I saw Matt relax a bit, knowing I probably won't knee him where the sun don't shine, today. 

"I know. It was wrong and I'm sorry. I'm not asking for you back, you don't even have to be my friend, I just want to know if I'm forgiven," His voice matched my own. 

I sighed, "Listen, this is a lot for me to handle right now, so bear with me. I don't know if I can forgive you right now, just give me some time, okay?" 

He smiled and nodded, "Okay, thanks," And he rushed out of the room.

Braydon immediately started howling with laughter. What is wrong with him? Jake and I just looked at him as if he were a psychopathic serial killer. Which honestly the way he was laughing, should definitely be considered. 

"Why are you laughing, and why like that?" Jake finally spoked up.

Once he calmed down he said, "Olivia's just so popular and there's a cat-fight over her, then I pictured them as cats and-" He cut himself off by his own laughter. I shoved him and climbed out of the pool, shaking my head. 

What an idiot. 

I went into the locker room and dried off. I put my shorts back on and slipped my cash and my phone into the same back pocket on the right, the place I always put it. 

I turned around and was startled with my close proximity. 

"Dale..." I breathed. 

He smirked, "Hey there Liv, how's it going?" 

There was something about the tone of his voice that scared me, kept me rooted to the ground, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything. 

"Look at me," He said, I just kept staring at my toes, not wanting to look at him at all. 

He grabbed my chin and forcefully made me look at him. I tried to get away but he pinned my to the lockers, his hands holding mine captive against the cool surface of the metal. He was just inches away from me now. 

"I liked you a lot more when you weren't so... So.. Disobedient," He smiled a sly smile that could only be bad news. 

He started leaning in, and our face was now just millimeters apart, and I started to panic. What to do, what to do? Think, think! 

I unhinged my jaw and let loose a blood-curdling scream, but it was soon muffled by a gag. My lord, he must've planned this all out. He was pinning my against the lockers now tying my wrists together when the boys burst in. Jake without a shirt, but Braydon fully clothed. I tried to squirm free but he just back handed me. 

The tears came then and the flowed down my face, staining it. I couldn't stop them, the pain and torture was excruciating. Who knew what Dale was capable of doing to me? For all I know he could dump me out in the ocean! 

"Just back away and we'll leave you alone," Bray attempted but was only replied to with a very ticked off Dale. 

"No. You back the heck away or I will hurt her!" He roared the last part and I visibly flinched. 

"You've already hurt her!" Bray retorted and took a step closer. 

It happened in the blink of an eye, Bray was on the ground crying and Dale was pulling me up by my hair laughing at him. More tears began to flow as more pain hit me. 'He's going to kill me,' was the only thought capable of running through my head. 

"Stand up," He growled at me. I obeyed, not wanting any more punishment from him. It was almost surreal what happened next. 

Jake had punched Dale so hard, I thought I heard a crack of a tooth. I fell and hit my head on something - hard. Pain shot through me in waves, I just couldn't bear it any longer, it hurt too much, and I wanted it to be over. 

I heard Jake yelling faintly, "No, Olivia! Don't go..." He was begging my to stay awake. I felt another tear fall, and slip down my cheek. 

I was consumed by utter darkness. 

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