The Pick - Chapter Ten

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My mind was still racing about the turtle and the hare connection, even three days after the initial thought. Who was I kidding?

Dale wanted me back. Jake wanted me. Matthew had me. Next thing you know my cousin Bryan and his weird friend Jason were going to pop up. Oh lord, I hope I didm't jinx that! I would die if those two came around.

I shook the idea out of my head, No. This was going to be my peaceful summer without Hallie ruining it. Besides, the SSC was coming up - State Surf Sompetition. I'd be competing against boys and girls. The winner gets a garunteed spot in Nationals. Second place has to battle the rest of the second places. The winner of that goes to Nationals as well.

Deciding that I should practice for the SSC that was tomorrow instead of sitting on my couch like a bum, I got up and changed into my black and white striped Aeropostale bikini. I threw a dark purple surf shirt on top of it.

Grabbing my black, white, and purple surf board off the back deck I ran down to the beach. It was a beautiful 90 degree day. The sun was shining, humidity basking. I tore down the sand and checked out the water. Just guessing I'd say it was about 50 degrees. That's pretty dang cold, if you ask me. But hey, it's just an estimate. 

I look out over the Atlantic Ocean and see the waves - they look absolutely amazing. I just hope they stay like this for the tournament tomorrow. If so, I'd definitely get a good score, maybe even come in second!

Last year Miley Beck had come in second and she lost at the second place tournament. I was praying to kick her butt. 

I was having a blast  catching about 13 waves before I saw Miley walk on the beach. I was not going to surf out here with her watching when I was going against her tomorrow. There was just no way - she would study my every move then copy me!

I managed to get out of the water and on my deck without her seeing me. I watched intently as I saw her catching a wave. Eh... Six, maybe seven. I thought to myself. She was probably the biggest competition I had for tomorrow.

I felt bad for Jake, seeing as how he couldn't particapate due to his injury. I kept feeling like it was my fault - because it was. I dumped Dale which mad him mad, he wanted me back, he saw me with another guy, he got angry, he stabbed Jake.

I was just happy that he was even still alive. I mean, seriously, he could be dead right now! I sighed, frustrated. I just didn't know what to do.

Braydon was still competing though I knew he was going to mess up on purpose. He was not going to win when he didn't have his cousin to beat! That would just be sad, where would his pride be? Braydon's words (kinda), not mine. 

I gave up on spying on Miley and went into the kitchen, hungry for breakfast, when I saw my mom cooking bacon and eggs. Mmm. Smelled absolutely delicious!

"Mmm! What's up with the fancy breakfast mom?" I asked sitting on a stool by our breakfast bar. Mom almost never made bacon and eggs. 

"Well, I have a surprise for you..." She trailed off. 

"Is that so?" I cocked an eyebrow. She nodded excitedly.

"Yes, I do!" She exclaimed, "Boys! Come on down!"

I heard thundering footsteps down our steps and I froze when I saw who was standing there.

"Oh my god..." I muttered. I guess it came out louder than I expected because right then  Jason smirked. 

"Miss me, babe?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "As if," And snorted he put his arm around me. 

Mom faced us and put her hands on her hips and directed her sentence towards me, "Now what would Matthew say about this?"

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