The Pick - Chapter Five

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I heard Jake open up the door. Braydon and I gave each other and jumped up and screamed, "SURPRISE!!" 

He was so shocked he nearly fell over, which caused an eruption of laughter. 

Once we all got hugs and stuffed ourselves with 'Chocolate Calories' as I like to call it, Jake pulled me aside and we went for a walk on the beach. 

He intertwined his fingers with mine so we were swinging our arms as we went along. 

"So..." he began, "How was the bonfire with Matthew?"

I froze. 

"What?" Worry was evident on his face and in his voice.

I shook my head, "I totally forgot to talk to him! God, I'm such an idiot!"

Jake laughed, "Heck ya, you are!" He winked at me and I started laughing too. "So, go talk to him tomorrow Olive Garden."

I rolled my eyes, "You know I hate it when you guys call me that!"

Jake and Bray decided that my nickname was going to be Olive Garden since I loved it so much and my name, Olivia, is kinda like Olive.  Beats me how they were actually smart enough to put two and two together,

"And that's why I'll keep calling you it, Olive Garden."

I rolled my eyes, "So immature!"

Jake's face abruptly grew serious and everything went quiet. 

"What?" I whispered to Jake.

"Turn. Around."

I turned around and saw Dale standing about two yards away from me.

I looked to Jake and gave him a hold-on-a-minute-i'm-going-to-kick-this-chump's-butt look and stood up to face Dale.

"Leave. Me. Alone." I said through gritted teeth, with my hands clenched into fists, and I glaring at him. But he didn't back down.

"Did you get my note?"

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, and I fed it to my dog for dinner. He threw it up because it was too cheesy." I gave him a cold shoulder. I hear Braydon give a whistle of approvement. I mentally laughed.

"God dang it Liv, give me a chance to talk!" he was shouting already!? That must be a new record.

"No. You give me a chance to talk. And F.Y.I. my name's Olivia, not Liv, Livy, or anything else." He opened his mouth to talk again but I cut him off, "And don't give me any 'I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing' crap. That's what you say everytime, and you and I know darn well that you were not drunk when you started making out with her. But no, I'm not jealous and I never was. Right now I'm beyond ticked that you could even think you had the slightest chance with me again because boy, you're wrong. So you can crawling back to any of your little 'toys', but trust me, I will never, never, like you ever again." I gave him a moment to register everything I said and finished with, "Now get the heck away from my friends and family and I. Now."

Surprisingly he obeyed and walked away. 

I covered my face and sank down to the sand. I heard conversation picking back up. Mostly about Dale though. 

Suddenly I was being lifted up by two sets of hands. 

"PUT ME DOWN!" I shrieked, but the only laughed. 

"On a count of three?" Braydon asked. 

"On a count of three." Jake confirmed. 



"Put. Me. Down!"


They threw me into the ocean, clothes and all.

I could have fun with this...

I stayed underwater for a good minute then used a wave to come up and block my head to catch my breath.

I heard shouting from the beach, and saw two splashes.


I went under and saw Jake and Bray's legs.

I swam abnormally fast and tackled Bray's legs since Jake can't get his stitches wet. I noticed him go back on the beach shaking his head laughing.

Meanwhile, Braydon was screaming bloody murder because he had no idea who or what the heck was attacking him yet.

When he was underwater I took it as my chance to dunk him.

He came up above the water and I shoved him back down, then ran on the beach.

I joined Jake in the towel that his mom  brought out. 

Sweet lady.

Then came brandon... Uh-oh. He looks angry...

"YOU. LITTLE. DEVIL!" He practically spat. But I knew he was just kidding.

"Sorry dude, you threw me first though..." I smiled.

His lips were quivering trying to hold back a laugh.

I gave him my adorable puppy dog eyes and said, "I'm sowwy."

He just burst out laughing as did everybody else. This was the best part of our relationship, we could almost kill eachother and laugh about it the next second. We were best friends after all.


It was 12:01 and I was sneaking out of my house to meet Jake on the beach. Luckily my tattle tale of a sister, Hallie, was at Girl Scout camp. If she wasn't I'd be grounded by now. 

I left a note on the counter saying: At Jake's, for my mom in the morning. Jake and I were going to camp out on the beach. Braydon didn't feel like sleeping on the beach which is why he's not coming. I suspect he's at a party though, getting wasted.

When I saw Jake we both ran up to each other then laughed quietly. For me, it wasn't a weird thing to sleep next to a guy. I mean Jake, Braydon and I are best friends. We go camping all the time and they always stick me in the middle of them. 

We were just laying there looking at the stars when Jake said, "Hey Olivia..." he sounded troubled so I decided not to joke around with him.

"Yeah?" I asked, truly interested.

"I just want you to know that... that... that I love you."

-Author's Note

     Finally Jake's surprise!! Haha, I couldn't find how to put it anywhere else, so here it is! ;P haha, so picture is of Dale. What do we think!? Video is of Jake's feelings towards Olivia!! <3 Next chapter will have Hallie :D And whoever's wondering, yes. she is a spoiled conceited brat. This will be fun to write! >_< haha! FAN COMMENT AND VOTE!!!! thanks<3

~_~ Lexi ~_~

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