The Pick - Chapter Four

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I ran into the stoor when I was out of his sight, grabbed the eggs and paid, then ran home. I was absolutely terrified of seeing him again. After what I said to him he probably wants to kill me, not kiss me. 

When I got back to my house, there was a note on the front step that was addressed to me. I opened it up to see what it said;


     You're right. I don't deserve to have you back. I'm just a pathetic scoundrel willing to dump a million girls to get you. I never should've cheated on you, because you were and are my life. I never stop thinking about you. You're gorgeous and amazing, you're the one person I don't deserve. Your friend, Jerry or something, didn't deserve to get stabbed either. I was just so mad. I'm sorry, Livy, I really am. And if you did take me back, that would take a true miracle for me. You have this one thing, that keeps me from getting over you. 

                                                                                                                                Love, Dale"

Who does he think he is!? He's a jerk, that's what he is. 

I was about to continue up the steps when I felt a hand placed on my shoulder.

"What the heck do you want!?" I barked, and spun around.

All of the anger drowned out of me when I saw who it was. 

It was then replaced with hatred. 

"Go. Away. This isn't your house anymore, Derek." I spat.

"Honey, I'm your father, and as much as you hate to admit this is my house too." He spoke calmly. 

"No, it's not! I'm sorry but have you ever paid a single freaking bill for this house, the water, energy, heat, A/C? No? I didn't think so!" I screamed at him. He was hurt, I could tell but why should I care. He's a load of crap.

He replied with silence so I went up the steps to the door. 

"I heard about Jacob. I'm sorry, Olivia."

"Jake. His name's Jake." With that I slammed the door in his face, and he darn well deserved it.

I slid down my back against the door and finally broke down. I let out hysterical sobs until I hear my mom's car pull in.

I placed the eggs in the fridge, and went upstairs in my room to get changed.

My room was white with blue polka dots. My ceiling was a neon orange though, it represented the bright sunny light of my future, and the polka dots? The tear stains from the mistakes along the way. Like Dale.

I looked through my walk-in closet, trying to decide on what to wear for Jake's welcome home party. Since it was 6PM and still 95 degrees out, I decided on my hot pink Abercrombie shorts and my grey/white Abercrombie tee shirt. I threw on my white and pink polka dots flip flops, and my OSU hat. Jake and I loved OSU, they had an amazing football team, and a great basketball team. 

When I cam downstairs my mom had finished the cupcakes, Chocolate with chocolate frosting and red and silver sprinkles. Yum, they reminded me of OSU cupcakes. What a coincidence. Not!

We set up the picnic table with a table cloth and all the food - mostly chocolate or chocolate covered desserts, but hey, they were Jake's favorite! And you don't see me complaining,

My mom checked her phone and gave the "signal" to hide.

Oh yeah, this was a surprise party. 

Jake's mom told him Braydon and I were out surfing.

Poor Jake.

-Author's Note

         Heey! So... I hope you're enjoying it so far!! Check out the video! ONE DIRECTION<333 Who doesn't love them!? And if you say ME!! i will kill you. >.< Feedback, Comments, Vote, and Fan! Thanks(: picture is of the cupcakes, i guess... :p Dedicated to knightsrachel for being the amazing person she is and writing such amazing stories!! :) GO FAN HER!!

~_~ lexi ~_~

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