The Pick - Chapter Twelve

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One by one, the names and colors of each competitiors were called. I looked to Jake and sighed, he was smiling at Braydon but it was tight and fake. I could see the hurt in his eyes. He never thought that Braydon would actually compete without him! I rolled my eyes at the thought - if only he knew how bad Bray was gonna mess up his run just for him. 

They called them and when their names were called, they took their places and positions in the water. It was stock still right now - how wonderful! Absolutely not. 

The horn went off and they paddled off into the distance searching frantically for any sign of any wave at all. I saw little movement on the horizon and Bray must've seen it too because he took off paddling towards that direction. I smiled - it was like we shared a brain! Which would actually help because you could have telepathy or something! Way cool!

There was the first wave and he hooked it! Yes! I pumped my fist up into the air and cheered, "Yeah! Go Bray!" There was a series of clapping for him - he was so close to second place last year, but a sudden gust of wind blew and he lost his balance. It was such a "tragic" event. Poor Braydon. Wink, wink. 

He jumped off after finishing smoothly and shot me a thumbs up. I sent one right back, happy for him. He was so going to mess every other wave up! I couldn't let him do this. He turned to look at me and I put on a pleading look, one that said 'Please try your hardest! You can drop out next round'. He seemed to have understood because he gave me another slight nod. 

I decided to check out the rest of the male competition and I saw a pair of eyes staring back at mine - Dale. Crap! He gave me a smirk and looked at Braydon then back at me. He was going after Braydon! I just held my ground and stood there, front and center. Willing Braydon to take Dale into at least any consideration. 

During my stare-down with Dale he seemed to have forgotten about the competition because Bray caught another wave! I cheered again, "Way radical, Braydon!" I screamed it. His cheeks flushed red with embarassment and I saw Jake clutching his stomach from laughing so hard. I, myself, laughed as well. 

The booming voice came out again, "Braydon Macbeth with a score of 8!" I smiled at him and he smirked back. I rolled my eyes. He was such a goof ball! 


"Braydon!" I squealed and ran to give him a hug. He hugged me back, tightly and I just stood in his arms. I finally pulled away, "Congrats, man, you're going on to the next round!" I jumped around and danced my happy dance while the guys congratulated him. I was so proud of Bray - He got first place in the boys competition! 

"You were amazing!" A group of girls gushed. He grinned cockily. After an idiotic conversation with the girls, he wrote his number on her arm in Sharpie marker. 

"It's okay, Liv. We know you're jealous" He waggled his eyebrows and I burst out laughing. I couldn't even catch my breath! Boy, was he a kidder!

"Y-you w-w-wish!" I sputtered in between my fits of obnoxious laughter. I was joined in with Jake at some point too. This was a moment where I had to say, "L.O.L.!" 

I went and grabbed my board and waited for them to call me. It was going to be a while since they still had to answer reporters' questions as to who made it and who didn't. Also as to why did whoever made it make it and vice versa. It was basically a routine, and by now I was used to it. I looked over my shoulder and saw Dale. Lemme tell you something...

He. Looked. Ticked. 

He shoved off anyone who tried to get near him and was glaring a hole into Braydon's skull. He turned to look at me. His glare softened - but only a little. I smiled innocently at him and stuck my tongue out. Childish, I know, but I didn't know what else to do! 

Dale had gotten third place so I didn't get why he was so upset. Maybe because I distracted him? Nah, he had an excuse to stare at me. Oh! I know! It's because I hugged Braydon for like a minute straight, and he hugged back! Ding ding ding! That was most likely, and probably most definitely, the cause of his non-stop glaring. 

"Hey, Liv!?" I heard my name being called. I looked up to face Braydon and I smiled at him. He grinned toothily back. I just laughed and shook my head, "So, Livy, you're gonna kick all of the girls' butts so we can face each other right?" He cocked an eyebrow. 

"Hah, heck yeah, son!" I tried to mock a gangster tone but just laughed in the end. I pecked Braydon on the cheek and cried, "You're gonna regret getting first place though," I whispered it into his ear. He whispered back to me. 

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" 

"Because Dale is trying to kill you with his eyes," I pulled apart and he smirked at me. I held up my hands and we did our "Double Dutch" hand shake. It was pretty boss, I mean, seriously. It looked extremely complicated, but once you knew all the right moves it was fairly easy. I should know, I invented it!

We sat down and ate the Oreo's my mom had brought out for us. I thanked her and we all dug in. I ate quite a few, trying to settle my nerves, but nothing seemed to work! Ugh, well, I'd just have to get them out once I'm surfing. 

I heard someone screaming, "You're such a jerk, I hate you! Get the HECK away from me, you butt-hole!" It was Miley. I turned to see her screaming at a smirking Dale. I rolled my eyes - I should've known. 

I smiled, "At least we know Miley's ticked and she'll probably screw up out there!" We all cheered, 'Hooray!' and finished our Oreo's. 

I chugged down all 24.5 ounces of my red gatorade in about a minute and a half. Calm down, I told myself. I was getting all riled up for nothing! Besides - the competition was all Freshman and Sophomores besides for Miley and I. 

But from what I understood, Miley just had a crackdown in front of most of our town. Smooth move, Miley. I thought in my head. Within minutes the loud voice came on and all socialising was stopped, and once again, it was creepy. 

"If we could now have the ladies that will be competing to come and line up at the edge of the water. Thank you, and good luck!" 

I grabbed my surfboard and lined up along the water, awaiting the OK to go ahead into starting postition. 

Here goes everything. 

-Author's Note

     Hey! Okay, so, as I informed you in my The Love That Kills Me book I will be working on this book and only this book! If you want me to update in another book while I'm still working on this just Private Message me or post it on my Message Board. Thanks for all of your support! FAN VOTE AND COMMENT!


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