The Pick - Chapter Twelve

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Chapter 12-

The announcer came on over the speakers and spoke fluidly, "Ladies, take your place in the water. We will begin the color introduction!" Yeah, we have a wacky announcer here in Virginia Beach and he always announced our names and colors and calls it the 'Color Introduction'. I saw a few Freshman give each other confused looks, and I laughed. 

I turned to Miley on my right, "Good luck!" With a fake smile, under my breath I added, "You're gonna need it." I didn't think she heard me but judging by the glare she gave me, I think she did. Whoops! Eh, I don't care. I'm actually glad she heard me!

"...Wearing black is Olivia Montgomery, a local here in Virginia Beach," There was an appluase at the mention of local and Virginia Beach. He continued, "In Pink we have Miley Beck, another local!" There was still an applause for her, but not as much. I smiled, mentally of course, don't wanna be put into a mental hospital. Not yet, anyways. 

He finished the 'Color Introduction' and ordered us to get into stances. I, as always, start out paddling, so I remained seated on my board. 

My ears rang when the obnoxious horn was blown but I paddled hard, nevertheless. I saw the crest of a wave forming and started for it. I stood up just as it was coming over. I smiled. I hooked to the right, unlike my usual left, and almost fell, but caught myself by swiveling to the left. Easy cleanup, I thought to myself. 

I saw Miley roll her eyes. Whatever. 

"Montgomery in Black with a 7.8 on the first wave! The competition is aleady looking tough!" The announcer shouted, informing the mass of people watching from the beach. I saw another wave but decided against it, seeing as Miley was going after it. 

She got up, hooked to the left, and fell. I almost laughed, but caught myself. I didn't want to be rude... Please note my extreme sarcasm. It's okay, I know, I'm just so hilarious. 

I really have to stop thinking to myself. It makes me sound like a psychopath. Wouldn't want that idea to come across to anyone. 

A ripple in the distance caught my eye. I checked the clock, 60 seconds!? I was so far behind. I couldn't help it - I started to panic. 

I paddled - hard. My arms were going numb, but I didn't take the time to care. I kept going. I heard confused murmurs from the sand but ignored them - I saw a wave coming and I just couldn't bear to lose when it was right there. 

I rose to my feet when I hit the wave, feeling free and light, I hooked to the left and saw a chance for some tubeage. I smiled. 

I crouched down and - yes! I got under it! I kept on going through the water-made tube for a good 7 more seconds. Somewhere in the middle of that, the horn blasted, but it didn't matter. I made it in time. When I got out, I hooked another left and jumped off, a very graceful exit, if you ask me. 

Once again the announcers came on, "And that was Olivia Montgomery in Black with a 10!! Amazing!" After a few moments they added, "We'll be back in five minutes with the girls' results. So chillax, dudes and dudettes!" 

I laughed at his lame word bank and laughed at my own. God, I can be such a geek sometimes. I ran onto the beach and was immediately embraced by four males. I laughed at their enthusiasm. I knew it was true, that somewhere inside of me, I loved them all with all my heart. 

"Jeez guys, calm down! I just got a 10, not that big of a deal..." I got incredulous looks from all of them and busted out laughing. The looks on their faces then turned into a look of curiousity. Between laughs, I was able to stammer, "Y-your f-faces!!" 

It was just so funny how they could all wear the same expression at the exact same time. So entertaining! 

I was answered with a bunch of eyerolls. I only laughed again. We talked for a while and I drank a whole bottle of Gatorade - No, more like chugged it - when the speakers popped on. 

"Ladies and Gentleman, may I have your attention. We have the Girls' results here. In first place, we have - no surprise here - Olivia Montgomery! In second, we have Miss Delaney Hampshire, and in third we have the ever so graceful, Miley Beck. Congratulation ladies," He paused to allow the eruption of clapter. 

I smiled - Not only had I beaten Miley, but two people had beaten her. Sucks to be her, I though. Then I changed my mind. Why would it suck to be her? She gets everything she want. But she doesn't work for it. Doesn't appreciate it. I tell myself. And it's true. She doesn't appreciate anything except the fact that her father is filfthy rich. 

"And for the Final Round results, we have, once again, Olivia Montgomery in the first ranking, Braydon Macbeth in second, Delaney Hampshire in third, Brett Jacobs in fourth, and lastly, we have Miley Beck. This is the first year we have the top three girls as the only three girls in the Girls v. Boys surf. Ladies and gentleman, this will be interesting!" There were loud eruptions of cheers as the names were called and the news was delivered. I smiled and Bray and hugged him - I guess I had to love him. 

I heard everyone asking Miley how she made it so far with a "sprained wrist". Oh, I wonder how this happened? By pushing down on her nail file too hard? Probably. I rolled my eyes - she may be Miley Beck, but she's one heck of a wimp. And a priss. 

I found Matthew in the crowd of people, but instead of smiling more, my smile faltered. I had never felt so much emotion run through me. 

Abandonment, heartbreak, betrayal, hate, anger, and regret. I couldn't determine which was the most. I must've spaced out, because I heard the others calling my name, but I ignored them. I couldn't get over the image in front of me. 

Jake came to look at what I was so intrigued by, and stood by me. He followed my gaze and finally saw it. His face became flushed with anger, rage, and pure hatred. And honestly, I couldn't blame him. Besides, Jake was always one to protect me. 

But still. How could he kiss another girl, right there in front of my?

-Author;s Note

    Hey guys... Ok, so... I know i haven;t updatted in about.... 2 weeks? Lol, i dont know. but what i do know is that im SO SO SORRY. i dont really have an excuse besides that softball started and i've been given a whole bunch of projects and BLEH!!! tgif, right?? Lol sorry if theres any mistakes - its late, i'm tired. i'm out - PEACE!!!!!! FAN VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASEE<333


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