Chapter 6- Invitation

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"Hey, captain, Amanda's crying and talking about you the whole morning saying you got someone else? Dude! Man! WHO?! HA HA!", teased Mason by Connor's locker during the free period. "Not now, Mason.", replied Connor , still feeling hungover. "Yeah, well, the whole school's buzzing bout your fight NOW.", said Trent, laughing with the rest of the guys. "Guys, please. I said not now.", said Connor, feeling a throbbing head. "Alright, alright, man...feel better. Football meet up, your place, 7 tonight?", asked Trent, ruffling Connor's blond fringe that lazily dropped to a little under his eyebrows. "Yeap, tell the guys.", said Connor, shaking his hair back to place when Ken approached him. "Hey, man, wow thank you so much for fixing the sink last week. My mom won't shut up singing praises for you. To quote her, she said "He is a talented young man". You were such great help. Mom has been whining about not being able to get anything done.", said Ken, holding Connor's shoulder appreciatively. "Ha, really? Ahh thanks......wasn't much, man. Glad I could be of help. Thats what I live for. Hahah!", replied Connor. "No, but seriously man, how do you know how to repair a sink?", asked an amused Ken. "Used to work as a plumber. Also a mechanic during summer breaks.", explained Connor. "Ahhh, nice..I just practice hockey haha. The game's not a long time away, your football isn't too. I guess there's so much pressure on us to win our games.", said Ken. "Yeah, should have joined hockey. That way i won't have to be captain coz you're there.", joked Connor. "Ha ha, nice try, but you're the school's star football player. They need you to kick the other school's asses. You know....we haven't hang out in a long time, man. You should come over for dinner tonight. My mom would be so pleased to see you.", said Ken. "Yeah, been so busy this year....but I can't join for dinner. Havin' a meet up with the football guys then.", explained Connor. "No worries man, come after for dessert!", said Ken. "Ahh..okay then, sure. I'll be there.", answered Connor, thinking about his sister. He's been to Ken's house a few times in the past years but Katie was always in her room upstairs. He hoped she would be in her room today because it would be hard for him to react to anything with her around. The bell rang, snapping Connor out of his thoughts. He grabbed his book, closed the locker and headed for class with the guys.

At 10 that night, Connor was really nervous to go to Ken's house. Nervous about seeing Katie after all that happened these past weeks. He had seen her naked for fucks sake! How do you think a guy is supposed to react to that? But whatever it is, Ken is expecting him, so Connor drove to his house after all the guys had left his place. Mrs. Gerber answered the door with a big, warm smile, welcoming him in. She was a tall, slim and elegant lady with shoulder length brown hair with salon waves. As he followed Mrs. Gerber to the living room, Ken got up from the couch greeting him. So did Mr. Gerber when he noticed Katie on Mr. Gerber...deep in sleep. Connor was puzzled. He didn't know teen girls still slept with their dads. He doesn't have a sister nor a proper home so he couldn't understand that. Connor sat on the other couch while Ken sat on the same couch as his dad. He made a mental note that if he ever got on talking terms with Katie, he'd tell her she was too old to be sleeping with her dad and should instead sleep on her boyfriend which would be him. Mrs. Gerber brought out blueberry cheesecakes and sat with him praising him for most of the night. Mr. Gerber talked football with him too, asking about the teams progress and stuff. Connor wished he had a dad like Mr. Gerber. Manly, strong, talked sports, a family guy and a good businessman. Katie looked so cute in deep sleep, like a child so focused on sleep. She was in her nightie, straddling her dad with her head facing away from him on his right shoulder. Mr. Gerber was lazily caressing her long ,wavy dark brown hair. Throughout the night, Connor didn't really got to hang out with Ken. It was more of him hanging out with Mr. and Mrs. Gerber. But he didnt mind. He adored the couple not to mention the blueberry cheesecake Mrs. Gerber made was sensational. He complimented and thanked her for it when Mr. Gerber's phone rang and he answered it talking some work stuff. Mrs. Gerber cleared the plates and went to the kitchen to do the dishes. Katie stirred from all the moving so Mr. Gerber passed her to Ken slowly and gently not wanting to wake their baby girl. Ken put her on his lap and continued caressing her hair telling her to go back to sleep.

Connor can't help feeling a tinge of jealousy watching Katie on different guys. He knew they were her family but he also knew now how good she felt on him. He knew Mr. Gerber and Ken could feel it too judging by how they love her on them and how they stroked her. Ken had his hands on her satin covered hips squeezing softly as he talked to Connor. Connor clenched his jaws when Katie shifted to nuzzle Ken's neck which Ken laughed at the tickle. So many questions filled Connor's mind. Was she wearing anything under her nightie? Can Ken and Mr. Gerber feel her pussy on their cocks? Did they get hard? How often do they hold her like this? Mr. Gerber came back into the living room apologizing to Connor for the phone call. He sat back down on the couch pulling Katie from Ken and putting her back on him kissing her hair. She continued to sleep comfortably as Mr. Gerber continued more sports talk with Connor. By midnight, Mr. and Mrs. Gerber had retired for the night to their rooms leaving Katie on Ken, him and the tv on. Ken and him did some catching up when Ken got a call from a friend at around 1am asking to pick him from a party as the friend was too drunk to drive. "Bro, you dont mind taking her?", asked Ken but already passing Katie to Connor. "Just bring her up to her room before you leave.", said Ken. "Umm.. sure..", said Connor. "Thanks man...gotta go pick up William's ass.", said Ken, shaking his head and leaving the house.

Connor looked at Katie still sleeping when he started notice her purring in her sleep, her whole body vibrating. He chuckled to himself, shaking his head. She might be of a cat breed. Her body was warm from being hugged all night. That' when he felt it. She wasn't wearing anything underneath her nightie. And he could feel her pussy lips open and his cock getting warm in between. His cock twitched and moved in his pants. She must have felt it because she climber higher on him, grabbing onto him tighter, breathing against his ear. Her body vibrating didn't help. He felt it all over his body and his cock moved and twitched more begging to come out of his pants and get inside her. She felt the reaction on her pussy and got more restless by the minute to a point she was moving so much on him. He fell back on the couch and she adjusted herself comfortably, laying on him and getting a good sleep. Connor sighed. He should put her to bed but he didn't wanna wake her like this. It was getting later and he got so tired he fell asleep with her on him right there on the couch.

p/s: pls vote and share guys! Spread the word! More to come! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Also, im writing a christmas song 🎄😀

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