Chapter One - Death and Egg

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I have decided to republish this story!~ Why⁇ Simply because I miss this MC 😍 😊Newcomers, enjoy~ (•ө•)♡ Oh warning, yes at times you will feel frustrated with this MC...just hang in there!!

Standing near the edge of a tall cliff was a group of old men.

Surrounding the group of old men were wolves.

And surrounding the wolves was the school of magicians.

And finally, the group of magicians were surrounded by an army of imperial guards.

And standing behind the imperial guards was the crown prince of Lóng.

Lóng Jin Longwei.

All these people created a half ring, like an archery target board. At the center, unfortunately, that was where Péng Fù Lín stood, with the wretched egg that her teacher had forced upon her before he went on a hunting trip to find the thousand-year-old ginseng for his new wine recipe.

"Disciple, I'll entrust you with an important task to look after this egg."

"Teacher, what is special about this egg? It looks like a chicken's egg."

"Ern. Indeed, it is. I was planning to eat it later, the bigger it gets, the better. Don't forget to constantly infuse it with qi, so it'll grow faster!"

A certain disciple. "..."

"So, be sure to look after it well for your teacher before he comes back okay? ~"


She hadn't even given him her consent, before that old bastard had skipped out of the door.

She might as well drop this egg down the cliff now, then she would no longer be in her current predicament.

Péng Fù Lín took a quick look behind her. The fall would without doubt hurt if she fell, even with her current cultivation she wouldn't survive unscratched. She then turned to look at the wave of people in front. All because of that drunk teacher of hers. No, it's because of this stupid egg!

She'd been hunted, chased, begged and cursed at for the last few months because of this damnable egg.

Why couldn't they find their own food? Why go after her teacher's? She felt extremely aggrieved that her luck could be this bad.

And now, here she was. Surrounded by group after group of men and women who seemed like they were extremely interested in this egg.

"Have you all not learned from the deaths of your comrades that crossing me will only lead to your end?" The voice neither strong or soft, but lazy and slow floated through the ears of the crowd. No panic was shown on her expressionless face. Eyes, a bottomless, cold black sea.

The crowd's expressions changed instantly. Over a thousand-martial artist, assassins and ninjas died at her hands in the last month. Not even one survived once they showed up before her.

Péng Fù Lín may seem like a small and fragile girl. Her overly delicate and pale features creates an image of a moon goddess. A fairy of the heavens.

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