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Silent cries

Every night

This Pain don't ever leave her life 

mommy's home 

So she tries to hide

She calls for dad 

But never a reply.

We tried to hide,we never got a reply.

She cries cries cries

she's all alone

I was apart from Rooz,To 'break' us apart.

Mommy why why why

Leave me alone

I wanted to be alone,My old live back.

She calls for help

She calls for help

''Help,Help me! Please help me!!!"

But no one seems to care

I screamed,My 'own' people ignored me

She calls for help but no one seems to care

''Help me,Please,I need to see her!!!!''

The flight was long.I was in a small room,Probably for the luggage,It was cold.I stopped screaming.I tried to scream.''he...e''My voice was gone.Great!Really freaking fantastic.I mean i'm going to die in  defect elevator...I felt just like the time i almost died.'I wish i died that time' crossed my mind.I'm not lying I almost am accepting that i'm going to die.I smiled bitterly of the fact i was so excited to be a teenage spy...Meeting Rooz.But now i wish i never walked that way,Never  got in that plane.I hated it some stupid police boy Was in the story.I hate the files,But he had my heart.And now he was never going to find that out...


Wait what was that noise?I felt panic from my heart.Ground.Never thought i would be scared of the ground.I closed my eyes when they dragged me outside.Hello dead.Good bye.



I walked in the hallway of the Hospital.I was planning to see my girls.Well they felt like little sisters to me.Okay i'm lying,I'm running.Shock.I see a empty room.Full with smoke.Then i see the two police boys unconscious on the ground.''Wake up!''I scream.Not in a evil way.I shake there bodies.''Ugh...''I think the boy named Oliver made some noise.James seems to be full awake.''The girls!''Panic.''Wait aren't you the dri-''.''No time for this,What did the girls say?''I said helping them with breathing.''24...Hours''Oliver said Trying to breath.My eyes wided.''O ...No...''


We started running to the car.''Is this the car?''.''Yeah same as the missions''I said putting on me safety-belt.I started to drive so fast as i could.Oliver and James tried to figure out the situation.''What  she said''I doens't mean the way you think''James said staring at Oliver.''Yeah she said 24 hours''.''O...My They meant indeed something else then hours.It meant 2-4 hours instead of a day.And hours means Today.They choose it when they are going t-'' ''To die...'' I saw horror on there faces.''W-what do you mean die?''.''Like dead,And i'm not talking about ID''.I saw the plane leaving.''Hide''I whispered to the boys.I saw my boss coming to the car.''Get in the luggage room for the car,Don't mess this up,Ignore the screaming''She said rolling her eyes.I parked the car.It hurt-ed to hear Skyler Scream.I locked the car leaving the boys and me in the car.''You can sit now''.''So how did you see Rooz And skyler?''James said.''They were teenagers like you,They loved boybands,They wanted a family.''Oliver nodded.

I smiled a little.''They were good in what they did...You should have seen there faces when they came back From there first mission,Not to ass-ult you but,Rooz was extremely blushing,And Rooz was laughing so hard while making Noises of slamming doors''.James face palmed himself.''The toilets doors''.''She kissed me''.''Have you seen her dance?''I asked them.''I saw her on the first mission,Dancing on the song tout Les memes''.I heard to noise i hated,always hated it.It meant we,The plane touched the ground,Dead.''Please don't scream,Or do something stupid''I said before riding out of the plane.

Skyler pov.

I Closed my eye when i felt the warm sun burning on my white skin.Seeing the devil standing there.And the all so familiar car...''Well it's such a shame''She said tapping with her finger on the car.''Shut up!''.''Ow looks the other one can talk to''She laughed.Rooz was standing next to me.Her eyes red from crying,Her lips blue from the cold.She looked mad when she saw Edward standing by the car,Like he was hiding something....I felt the familiar feeling of a cold gun to my head.My eyes shot up.Edward.I looked at Rooz.''Bye...''She waved weakly.''Aaawh sweet,Now kill them''My evil Boss/Mum  said Looking at me.''Now!'' I heard the voice screaming,But it wasn't My mum...It was the voice of the boy i thought he died..Oliver.''Run!''

She keeps on running running running

from this crazy life 

She keeps on running running running

Never sees the Light

We ran,No idea where

I can see the angels standing by your side 

it'll be alright

Feeling some one behind us.We kept running Hearing more familiar footsteps.

She's back again

Just one more time

Again,How hard i tried to forget You,I came back

just wants to see her mother smile

She can't forget

Her only Hope

Daddy  let the devil in his house

I hated the fact she was my mum for sure.

She cries cries cries

she's all alone

Mommy  why why why

Leave me alone

Ugh i hear my mum shouting

She calls for help

She calls for help

''P-please someone...''I wishpered.

But no one seems to care

She calls for help but no one seems to care

She keeps on running running running

from this crazy life 

Running,To a place to hide.

She keeps on running running running

Never sees the Light

I can see the angels standing by your side 

Oliver was now running next to me,Grabbing  my hand.

it'll be alright

I felt safe.

Hey so i changed the lyrics of the song.Because it would fit in the story.

CO:Crazy OneWhere stories live. Discover now